Thursday, February 18, 2010

Another Plane Into A Building

A plane from the company Telsa crashed and now this has occurred. The news has taken place so soon after the Amy Bishop shootings. It is interwoven, as has been noted often in my work and that of others, such as Dr. David Phillips and Dr. Steven Stack (no relation to today's pilot). See my chapter, "Planes Into Buildings" in The Copycat Effect.

Tampa Tower Crash

It will be recalled that Charles (Bishara) Bishop (February 8, 1986 - January 5, 2002) was an American teenager who died by suicide when he crashed a stolen Cessna 172 into the 28th floor of the Bank of America Tower in Tampa, Florida on January 5, 2002. A note written by Bishop was found in the wreckage and expressed his support for Osama bin Laden and the September 11, 2001 attacks. The young man also noted the "1967 Israeli-Syrian War" (also called the Six-Day War of June 5-10, 1967) in his note.

Bishop's father was identified as Charles Bishara, an alleged small-time criminal with the Arabic surname Bishara. Bishop's mother had changed the boy's name from Bishara to Bishop during the first Gulf War. (The name may be familiar to you as it is the middle name of Sirhan Bishara Sirhan, the alleged single assassin of Robert F. Kennedy, who was shot on the first anniversary of the Six Day War and died the next day.)

Tesla Plane Crash

On February 17, 2010, in Palo Alto, California, a twin-engine Cessna 310 crashed in a residential neighborhood, killing three employees of electric-car maker Tesla Motors who were aboard the plane. (The sounds from the Tesla Motors crash have been published online. Warning: Graphic, with screams.) The accident caused a major power outage in Palo Alto, including at the office of Facebook, but no one was injured on the ground.

The pilot was Doug Bourn, 56, a senior electrical engineer who had worked for the electric carmaker for five years and who mentored others. The other two passengers have been identified as Andrew Ingram, 31, of Palo Alto, an electrical engineer; and Brian M. Finn, 42, of East Palo Alto; a senior manager of interactive electronics. Finn reportedly lived with his one-year-old daughter just two blocks from where the plane went down in East Palo Alto. Chief Executive Elon Musk noted: “Tesla is a small, tightly-knit company, and this is a tragic day for us.”

Nikola Tesla and the Death Ray

The company appears to have been named in tribute to Nikola Tesla (July 10, 1856 – January 7, 1943), who was an inventor and a mechanical and electrical engineer. He was one of the most important contributors to the birth of commercial electricity, and is best known for his many revolutionary developments in the field of electromagnetism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Aside from his work on electromagnetism and electromechanical engineering, Tesla contributed in varying degrees to the establishment of robotics, remote control, radar, and computer science, and to the expansion of ballistics, nuclear physics, and theoretical physics. In the late 1880s, Tesla and Thomas Edison became adversaries. From 1900, Tesla worked, until his death, on his teleforce weapon, which the media called his "peace ray" or "death ray." This directed-energy superweapon was said to concern the use of charged particle beams. In 1943, the Supreme Court of the United States credited Tesla as being the inventor of the radio. (David Bowie portrayed Tesla in the 2006 movie The Prestige. Tesla's time in Colorado Springs, Colorado, was the focus of several scenes in the film, which featured speculations on the explosive power of Tesla's electrical experiments.)

Stack Hits IRS Building

On February 18, 2010, Joseph Andrew Stack, flying a Piper Cherokee PA-28 (registration N2889D) plane, crashed into Building I of the Echelon office complex in Austin, Texas, United States. An Internal Revenue Service (IRS) field office is located in the seven-story office building along with other state and federal government agencies. Stack had posted a manifesto dated February 18, 2010, to his business website.

The plane departed a nearby airport at 9:40 AM Central Standard Time, and, about twenty minutes later, crashed into a building containing offices for the IRS, setting it ablaze. It went in at full speed and did not appear to be accidental or due to mechanical failure according to eyewitnesses.

The pilot was killed in the incident along with Vernon Hunter, a 67-year-old Revenue Office Manager for the IRS. Thirteen people were reported as injured, two of them critically. Debris from the crash reportedly struck a Lexus sedan being driven on the southbound access road of U.S. Route 183 in front of the building and shattering the windshield. Another driver on the southbound access road of U.S. Route 183 had his windows and sunroof shattered during the impact and had debris fall inside his car yet escaped uninjured.

(Late in the week, Vernon Hunter's son, Ken spoke out. "There was just too much going on about what the guy did and what he believed in, and enough's enough," he said. "They don't need to talk about him. Talk about my dad. You know, some people are trying to make this guy out to be a hero, a patriot. My dad served two terms in Vietnam. This guy never served at all. My dad wasn't responsible for his tax problems.")

The plane was piloted by Joseph Andrew Stack, of the Scofield Farms neighborhood in North Austin, who worked as an embedded software consultant. Prior to the crash, he set his house on fire in the 1800 block of Dapplegrey Lane. Early reports wondered aloud if the house burned with his wife and daughter presumably inside. Their deaths have not been confirmed.

Stack had posted an anti-government, anti-bailout, anti-corporation, anti-union, and anti-religion manifesto on his website, It was also a suicide note.

In the manifesto, Stack states that he was not impressed with political representatives, whom he describes as "thieves, liars, and self-serving scumbags," also criticizing the conglomerate companies of General Motors, Enron and Arthur Andersen. He also referred to the drug and insurance companies as "murdering tens of thousands of people a year and stealing from the corpses and victims they cripple, and this country’s leaders don’t see this as important as bailing out a few of their vile, rich cronies." Stack also criticized "The recent presidential puppet GW Bush and his cronies in their eight years," the "corrupt Catholic Church," and "the monsters of organized religion."

The manifesto ended with:
I saw it written once that the definition of insanity is repeating the same process over and over and expecting the outcome to suddenly be different. I am finally ready to stop this insanity. Well, Mr. Big Brother IRS man, lets try something different; take my pound of flesh and sleep well.
The communist creed: From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.
The capitalist creed: From each according to his gullibility, to each according to his greed.

Stack was a graduate of the Milton Hershey School and attended Harrisburg Area Community College from 1975-77.

In response to the crash, the Department of Homeland Security became involved in the investigation of the crash, stating that it did not appear to be linked to terrorism. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs reaffirmed what Homeland Security said, and that President Barack Obama was being briefed of the incident. The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) launched two F-16 fighter aircraft from Ellington Field in Houston, Texas, to conduct an air patrol in response to the crash, which was reported as standard operating procedure in this situation.

The company hosting, T35 hosting, took Stack's website offline, "due to the sensitive nature of the events that transpired in Texas this morning and in compliance with a request from the FBI."


  1. Does anyone have any thoughts on the numerology--

    9 + 11 = 20

    2 + 18 = 20

    9 + 1 + 1 = 11

    2 + 1 + 8 = 11

    Every month has one day that fits. He had about a 1/30 chance of hitting the right day for February. Are 1 in 30 good odds for a chance coincidence, or did he pick today?

  2. The hijacked plane was a Piper Cherokee. Geronimo was Cherokee. George Bush and his Skull and Bones fraternity are infamous for stealing the skull of Geronimo. Stack mentions GW Bush in his manifesto.

    It would be interesting to know the details of how this particular plane became available to him, since if he just randomly chose a small plane at an airport, 9 times out of 10 it would be a Cessna.



  3. Good point, Mark.

    By the way, from what I've read, he had an argument with his stepdaughter and wife the night before he did what he did and they went to a hotel. They came back the next day and found the house already on fire. So apparently he did not try to kill them as reported.

    I read his manifesto on the internet and could empathize at least with some of the frustration he felt but in no way do I condone this.

    Could be what they call a "false-flag" attack to "program" folk into supporting certain sides of a "war".

    Don't know.

  4. Anonymous3:19 PM

    This is probably completely unrelated, but today I've been researching Cyrus Scofield & his Scofield Reference Bible and how it practically created the dispensational End Times/Rapture scenario that seems to possess so many fundamentalist Christians.
    I took a break to read your blog only to find the IRS plane guy lived in Scofield Farms.


  5. curious... why did you write: "...with his wife and daughter presumably inside."

  6. I just posted my thoughts about this incident and then, turning to other things, found this post. Interesting. Also, I notice that his name, "Joseph Andrew", is the same as my son's name.
    Coincidences are everywhere. Just look around.

  7. starviego11:09 PM

    I have noticed that a lot of these major events have smaller, less well publicized ''follow on'' incidents. Late last night, some joker stole a small airplane from a municipal field here in San Diego and landed on the runways of Los Angeles International Airport at 3am.

    The propaganda has been suitably catapulted.

  8. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Geronimo was Apache.

  9. Anonymous10:26 AM

    interesting ..
    Amy Bishop has this bogus biological startup company called cherokee labs which was basically just her family of five.

    With the Bishop thing and the plane crash, the first thing I thought of was charles bishop and tampa ..

    I remember daniel hopsicker at had written about the bishara father and organized crime and heroin .. and i think he was making connection to some of the activities at airport in florida where the 911 pilots trained.

    One other thing from the charles bishop case was that there was this reason about him (the 15 yr old boy) having an adverse reaction to acne medicine

    I was a little fuzzy on this stuff because of time so i went back and looked it up again. here is Hopsicker from 2002

    one key line in the above articles is
    "Wanted in Massachusetts on heroin charges, Charles Bishara, the MadCowMorningNews has learned, owns a penthouse condominium at the new Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort in Naples Florida"

    The Tesla thing is very interesting.

    Technology connects all 3 events - the Tesla crash , the Stack crash and the Bishop Killing.

    check this out...
    echelon is a codename for a nsa listening program that monitors calls, emails, etc looking for EMBEDDED keywords.

    If you search on Echelon you will find it connects with NSA and goes back to PROMIS/INSLAW thing.

    Just doing google on this stuff leads to see that back in 2001-2003 there were stories of Osama Bin Laden obtaining PROMIS software and using that to advantage for 911.

    that is kind of a tangent.

    The main point is that Echelon is a signil intellegence program that searches for embedded keywords.

    Back in 1999 there was a jam echelon day reported here in wired ..

    There is a list of the keywords that were suggested for use in 1999 and CHEROKEE is one them. That is strange..

    all of the other keywords, I can easily understand. I do not know the significance of cherokee .. but there it is..

    getting back to amy bishop

    this website does a pretty good job exposing the fraud that she was.. nonetheless .. check out the info on CELLDRIVE and NEURISTOR .. Bishop was claiming to be trying to develop a neural computer

    so Amy Bishop may be a fraud and delusional .. but a discovery and devlopment of a computer made from living cells and neurons would actually put her in the upper echelon of scientists like tesla but failing in her attempt to get into the upper echelon of acedemia via tenure .. she went shooting.
    her husband's and childrens last name was ANDERSON which is one of the firms that Stack was against.

    Stack was an EMBEDDED software specialist who wrote his message on EMBEDEDART.COM and then crashed into the ECHELON building
    flying a cherokee.

    IF We connect all five of these events
    Charles Bishop into Tampa building
    Tesal Crash
    Amy Bishop Murder spree
    Stack Echelon Crash

    its kind of like a 911 conspiracy cocktail ..
    the 911 cover story points to MOB/CIA operations in Naples Florida .. so the terrorists and planes were a cover story to explain the toweres going down which was caused by a tesla weapon .. so that the Darpa/NSA could increase there hidden control through embedded technology .. like promis/echelon.

  10. I have a friend that I sometimes have to give a wake-up call to...the morning Mr. Stack crashed his plane into the IRS building, I gave my wake-up call to my friend at exactly 9-11 am...I announced this fact into their voicemail when I called. I also have never made a wake up call at 9-11 am before...

    Off topic, two offspring of celebrities just killed themselves...'Mr. Chekov' of Star Trek fame- his son killed himself a few days(?) ago, and now Marie Osmond's son killed himself. Did news of the first prod the second?

  11. For the relationships between the Jihad, the Six Day War, RFK and the Charles Bishara Bishop "event" in Tampa on 5.1.2002, see here:

