Thursday, August 30, 2012

Ground Zero: Taking On The Media Madness

Radio is a perfect place to talk about the altar of wall-to-wall television.

Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis on KXL 101.1 FM in Portland, Oregon, and (apparently) online, will broadcast a live interview with me tonight, Thursday, August 30th, from 7 pm PDT-9 pm PDT / 10 pm EDT to Midnight EDT. The PREMIERE NETWORKS has picked up syndication rights, and it will be broadcast nationally. Check your local listings.

We shall be discussing a wide-range of topics: the red dawn event of Aurora, Tony Scott's suicide, the King Kill 33 aspects, Prometheus, Neil Armstrong, shooter copycats, such as at the Empire State Building, - and the book The Copycat Effect.

Recent postings that may be highlighted include:


  1. Fascinating, I'll be sure to tune in. This is the first time since Clyde left SLC that I have heard him on a local station. I'm in Montanan now.

  2. Hello Lauren -
    Don't look now but here's the latest from New Jersey. You called it - every week at about this time - Here's the link


  3. Heard the interview last night(early hours for me lol). Hope you weren't strafed by any glowing pterodactyl's after the show.
