Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Trump Towers

Twin Trump Towers in Istanbul, Turkey.

All of a sudden, architecturely speaking, buildings may become a new political focus again, under the forthcoming president.

The assassin stands behind the Russian ambassador at the photography exhibit in Ankara, Turkey.

And in Berlin too.


  1. Perhaps, twinning, has to do with doubling the power?

    Curious shot of the assassin's HANDS! I see four fingers covering a gun gesture. Could this symbolize the HIDDEN HAND with GUN?

    In the New York Times story on 19.12.2016, the editors chose a photo with the assassin standing in the "AS ABOVE, SO BELOW" posture.


  2. Victory Column, site of Obama's 'triumphal entry'. High above towers the goddess, shining riteously.

  3. "All of a sudden, architecturely speaking, buildings may become a new political focus again, under the forthcoming president." Some say it is so... http://andmagazine.com/us/1479984544.html
