Saturday, July 25, 2009

Soon In A Scottish Rite Hall Near You?

Interested in seeing me give the most intriguing twilight language talk of the year in the midst of a Scottish Rite Masonic lecture hall? Come to Ft. Wayne, Indiana, in October. More details below.

Decoding the meaning of the twilight game sometimes requires a sense of humor.

But first, there is news on the speaking front for the California lectures.

Thinking about going to the talks at the Magicopolis in Santa Monica, California, August 21-23, 2009?

By ordering your tickets because you are a Twilight Language reader, you may use the promotional discount code "chupacabras" and receive 10% off the single day passes or $5 off the weekend pass.

There has been a revision in the itinerary, in response to feedback and a need for an afternoon session on the weekend.

See the total schedule here for more on the John A. Keel - Mothman timing, but below is the new afternoon wrinkle for my talk on millionaire Tom Slick and his search for Yeti:

Sunday: 12 pm to 3 pm

* 12pm – 12:45: Barry Conrad
* 12:45 – 1:00: Q&A
* 1:00 – 1:20: Break
* 1:20 – 2:10: Loren Coleman
* 2:10 – 2:25: Q&A
* 2:25 – 3:00: Book signing

How about a couple of related events in Maine? Come hear an illustrated cryptozoology talk on Black Panthers, Bigfoot & the Dover Demon, followed by a Sea Serpent-Whale Watch, as the leaves are changing colors up the coast of Maine, Labor Day weekend, 2009.

First up, a PowerPoint presentation and Q&A at 7:00 pm, Friday, September 4, 2009, at the Waldo Theatre located in Lincoln County in Waldoboro, Maine. I'll be selling and signing books there too.

You can order tickets already at the Waldo Theatre Website.

Next, how about a special on-the-water presentation?

Yes, out of Bar Harbor, Maine, a whale watch will occur in which I will give commentary, now and then, about local sea serpent reports and other mystery ocean cryptid sightings in the Gulf of Maine.

Right now, if you want to secure a seat, you can purchase tickets for the Saturday, September 5th, 2009, 1:00 PM tour, by going to Bar Harbor Whale Watch or calling 1-800-whales4.

Also on board will be Richard Klyver, the cryptozoologist artist who will have copies of his illustration of the Frenchman's Bay Serpent for sale for $10, which Dick and I will sign for tour guide members. The trip leaves from Harborplace, next to the Downtown pier in Bar Harbor, and is being organized by whale watch-marine cryptozoologist Zach Klyver, who will also assist with his professional guide skills.

On September 26, 2009, while not on their speaking schedule yet, I will be at the Texas Bigfoot Conference in Tyler, Texas, selling and signing books.

Then, how about Indiana, in a special Masonic site?

I will be speaking and appearing at the American Paranormal Conference 2009, October 9-11, 2009, at the Scottish Rite Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. If you live in the Midwest, get a ticket and say hi. This may be my most Fortean twilight language talk of the year, merely due to the remarkable setting.

Next, it is on to Watertown, Massachusetts, for the Mass Monster Mash, October 17th, 2009. For more information, go here. I will be speaking about the "Search for Yeti by Tom Slick."

Up first, LA. Sign up today.

Watch this page for ongoing revisions and additions of new events.

If you wish to speak to Loren Coleman about a presentation for your group or school, an interview on your television program, consultation for your series, or a product endorsement, please contact him by clicking here. Thank you.

See you along the way.

Loren Coleman at Willow Creek
Willow Creek, California, 1975.

Thank You.


  1. Cool. So close to me. Thanks for the info.

  2. Didn't Mormonism, Transcendentalism (forerunner to the New Age) and Christian Science all make their debuts in Masonic lodges? You could be onto something big!
