Saturday, May 26, 2012

Vallée on MIB Imagery

by Loren Coleman ©2012
Jacques F. Vallée, Ph. D. is a great person to have at your side when exploring the hidden realm. 

Vallée, as you may agree, is a cornerstone figure in intellectual ufology, who has added his genius to the study of "flying saucers" and the reported "occupants." He gathers information from diverse fields, including fairylore, cryptid sightings, Fortean phenomena, religious visions, and astrophysics. His third book, Passport to Magonia: From Folklore to Flying Saucers (Chicago: Henry Regnery Company, 1969) elegantly melts many of these threads of thought into a sensible and stimulating thesis on what UFOs might be.

For more background on Jacques' ufological work, see here.

Jacques wrote me the other day, after I posted my essay on this blog about the synchromystic visualizations of Men in Black in television treatments and cinema creations.

On May 25, 2012, Jacques emailed the following:

My contribution to that imagery was in 1979 with this book [Messengers of Deception: UFO Contacts and Cults (Ronin, June 1979)] cover [shown at top].
At the time, I instructed the artist to show a human walking deliberately away from a hovering saucer rather than running away or cowering in front of it.
Most readers at the time didn't like the image, too disturbing and not in line with expectations about flying saucers: the occupants shouldn't be human.
I think what was disturbing in the 'Messengers' image was the implication that some humans knew what the saucers were, and [the 'others'] were walking quietly into our world.
Warm regards,

The French scientist Claude LaCombe in the Steven Spielberg film Close Encounters of the Third Kind  was based on my friend Jacques Vallée.

Jacque Vallée (right) and J. Allen Hynek (left)

Claude LaCombe (François Truffaut)

My Boing Boing buddy David Pescovitz mentioned the following magnifique deleted scene from the film that says some things about twilight language:

David Laughlin (Bob Balaban). Name game note: Laughlin, Nevada, in the extreme southern tip of the state, has become a modern focal meeting point for ufology conferences, anomalistic gatherings, and Area 51 researchers.

See here for more from David Pescovitz on what special phrase shows up in CEIII that is, indeed, so very Vallée.

Thanks also to Patrick Huyghe of Anomalist Books for bringing the deleted scene to my attention in 2009.


  1. Anonymous1:37 PM

    I would think the person in the pic would be in cahoots with the object/entity (I doubt most objects observed are "craft".....).

    I also highly doubt these things are from very far away.....People wonder why the ancients saw wheels in the sky, angels, etc.....

    Why at the birth of the industrial era, people saw zeppelin type craft that lassoed cows, etc... Fast forward to the birth of rocketry (and the Atomic bomb)and now folks are seeing "ETs" and Flying saucers".....

    Something else going on here, and its probably a lot more interesting than simply ETs swinging by for arcane visits.

    Maybe more than just a few of us have had close enough an encounter to not accept an "ET" answer...The thing is, I think the vast majority of those who had a very close encounter were killed by the object (maybe eaten / consumed in some way?).....

    All I know is I am glad I had a good reason to bail on MY invitation to the numinous...

    "they" can control how you respond to them, if they choose to - meaning you will not be terrified by the sight or the invitation to see "Something wonderful! just pull your car right over there, down that dirt road and walk a bit".

    I have a feeling a lot of folks that just "vanish" every year are actually victims of these things.

  2. Anonymous3:37 AM

    "Worldview Warfare", now better known as "Psychological Warfare".

    As far as I know, Vallee was the first to point out the obvious - the primary importance of psychological effects (more than any physical effects) of the UFO phenomena on the common people.

    But there's another obvious thing that no one seems to notice - common people have no saying in anything that happens on this planet, no power to decide, nor any right to choose anything. The freedom of choice is just an illusion here, albeit a persistent (and sweet) illusion.

    So, why would anyone want to affect what common people do or do not think when it makes absolutely no difference whatsoever?

    The obvious answer to this obvious observation? It wasn't the common people who were the real targets of this "Worldview Warfare" of the Worlds. Who were the real targets then?

    To answer that question, one has to read "The Day After Roswell", and pay close attention to almost passing remarks about the "craft's" design. In specific, I am referring to the observation that "biological entities" were an "integral part" of the "craft's" navigation systems.

    In modern terms, one could say that the "craft" had a (very strong) "Brain-machine Interfacing".

    Look up the term, and you'll see it being pushed today, very strongly, along with "Artificial Intelligence" (specifically, brain-implantable "brains-on-a-chip"), "Cybernetics", "Transhumanism" and all the rest of the usual bag of mad cats.

    Does anyone really think that common people came up with all those insane ideas? Of course not. Those are all, and every single one of them, products of the (well known and perfectly understood) "military mental processes".

    In short, those psychological effects, that Vallee spoke about in his works, actually *did hit* every single target they were aimed for, but since everyone was looking the other (wrong) way (as prescribed by the rules of Psychological Warfare), no one has ever noticed that that warfare has really been unquestionable success for the 'other side'.

    Pentagon ate the whole psychological bait, hook, line and sinker, just as it had been expected from the "military mental processes" that prevail in those corridors of illusory power.

    "If you can't defeat them, that must mean that they are superior, so try to emulate them instead".

    The downfall of so many before, and so many more who are yet to come. However, and fortunately enough, I don't think that turning people into mindless biological machines is that big a threat right now.

    That Psychological Warfare attempt by the 'other side' may have achieved (moderate-to-complete) success at first, but it has been (moderately successfully, but far from completely) countered by another Psychological Counter-warfare effort.

    The final result of these psychological clashes has been... a stalemate. Neither side has won, but neither side has lost either.

    Words and ideas have run their course and have shown to be insufficient for achieving either goal, and that leaves Physical Warfare as the natural extension of the present position.

    Does anyone else find this rise in (unexplained) "earthquakes" as interesting as I do?

  3. Messengers of Deception is one of my favorite books on UFOlogy.

    And I just love the story of how the art cover came into fruition in a proper serendipitously fashion, only partly influenced by Jacques' input, but also giving the artist free reign to render an image which conveys such a strong emotion, due to the seeming disparity between the forefront image and the background.
