Saturday, September 28, 2019

Joker Violence Predicted: 10-4

The Kubrick stare is back. 

Cryptokubrology is revealed.

But for now, let us be forewarned.

The prediction of violent incidents associated with movies like Joker has been achieved. It is reality, not fantasy.

I did it in 2012. I foresaw the violence directly linked to The Dark Knight Rises, opening on July 20, 2012. Down to the date. 

The day before, I wrote:

Will any events take place on July 20, 2012, of any import?

Dates of movie releases have had strange links.

The day of neo-Nazi Breivik's massacre in Norway (July 22, 2011) was the day of the release of the film Captain America (July 22, 2011), with the first scene taking place in Norway, to the sound of Nazis' rapid fire machine gunning. A bizarre coincidence, to say the least.

...What will happen on July 20, 2012?
The 2011 Norway attacks, referred to in Norway as 22 July or as 22/7, were two sequential lone wolf domestic terrorist attacks by Anders Behring Breivik against the government, the civilian population, and a Workers' Youth League summer camp, in which 77 people (mostly youth) were killed, and 319 injured.

The past is a good predictor of the future.

My ability to do what I do, based on human behavior even caused Dangerous Minds to write the article on September 17, 2012 entitled: "The Copycat Effect: Meet the Man Who Predicted the Aurora Shooting."

As the Dangerous Minds author Thomas McGrath would note, "Coleman had previously written of Nolan’s films, having predicted and then documented the emergence of copycats inspired by Heath Ledger’s Joker in 2008’s The Dark Knight. James Holmes, of course, would shed his gas mask, body armor, and fatigues to reveal that beneath his distinctly Bain-reminiscent exterior, he was himself a self-proclaimed Joker copycat."

(See also my other behavioral predictions.)

But 2012 is not 2019, and today, an odd bit of revisionist history is setting in. Seven years later, the media is trying to forget the reality of the copycat effect.
In the days following the massacre, Holmes was compared to the Joker character because he sported bright dyed hair and, according to a now-debunked report at the time, called himself "the Joker" as he was being arrested. [Daniel] Oates, [Aurora’s chief of police at the time,] maintains "there is no evidence" Holmes ever said that.” ~ as noted in "Aurora Shooting Victims Voice Fears Over 'Joker' in Letter to Warner Bros.

On July 20, 2012, I wrote "Eyewitnesses reported the assailant appeared to be wearing a gas mask, body armor, similar to how the film's villain Bane did too. Witnesses say the suspect was dressed all in black, with a riot helmet, goggles, and a gas mask."


And, "Police reported during the afternoon that Holmes did not look like Bane, after all. He first identified himself as "I am the Joker," and had his head and goatee hair painted red and did, somewhat, resemble (perhaps? under his body armor?) the Joker during attack."

James Eagan Holmes, mugshot, immediately after the Aurora arrest. Taken July 20, 2012.

James Holmes, 2012.

Heath Ledger as Joker in The Dark Knight Rises (2012) and James Holmes (2012).

Joker in The Dark Knight (2008), Heath Ledger

Many of us have warned of the potential for theater attacks in the wake of the opening of Joker (Phillips, 2019). Now media reports talk of the U.S. Military issuing warnings to troops about incel violence at Joker screenings (see here and here).

I am not certain it will happen on the opening day in 2019, because, literally, I feel people are getting the message (10-4). The weekend through October 5th and 6th could be especially dangerous.

Finally, that the awareness that the Incel Effect has significance in certain mass shootings is a hopeful preventive sign. For more insights, see: "Into The Valley of Virgin Violence: The Incel Effect." See more on the Incel Effect here and here.

Since the beginning of 2019, I have been warning readers that Joker was going to make a large violent impact. Now next week, the date will be upon us.

The date the movie opens in America is October 4. Or in police code, stated as 10-4.

10-4 is one of the so-called ten-codes, or radio signals, invented by the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials-International. The ten-codes are credited to Illinois State Police Communications Director Charles Hopper who created them between 1937–40 for use in radio communications among cops.  

10-4 is an affirmative signal: it means quite literally “OK.” It translates, "I understand your transmission."

State Rep. Tom Sullivan (D-Aurora) shows his tattoo that memorializes his late son, Alex, one of the Aurora movie theater shooting victims.

Daniel Oates, Aurora's chief of police at the time, who retired in June after nearly 39 years in law enforcement, says he believes the timing of Joker is poor, noting three mass shootings in the past three months: at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in Gilroy, California, where three people were killed on July 28; the massacre in El Paso, Texas, where 22 people were killed on Aug. 3; and then the following day the shootings in Dayton, Ohio, where nine people were killed.

Aurora, Colorado is not screening the new Joker.

Landmark Theaters has prohibited moviegoers from wearing Joker costumes during its run, and the Los Angeles Police Department will increase police visibility at area theaters, though it has "not received any specific threat."

The military's interventions have been active.

This email was circulated by the military:
Posts on social media have made reference to involuntary celibate (“incel”) extremists replicating the 2012 theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado, at screenings of the Joker movie at nationwide theaters. This presents a potential risk to DOD personnel and family members, though there are no known specific credible threats to the opening of the Joker on 4 October.
Incels are individuals who express frustration from perceived disadvantages to starting intimate relationships. Incel extremists idolize violent individuals like the Aurora movie theater shooter. They also idolize the Joker character, the violent clown from the Batman series, admiring his depiction as a man who must pretend to be happy, but eventually fights back against his bullies.
When entering theaters, identify two escape routes, remain aware of your surroundings, and remember the phrase “run, hide, fight.” Run if you can. If you’re stuck, hide (also referred to as “sheltering in place”), and stay quiet. If a shooter finds you, fight with whatever you can.
** this is a condensed version of an HQ Army Materiel Command, G-3, Protection Division Security message **

This memo was also circulated:

Philip K. Dick foresaw the year 2054 in his 1956 scifi short story, "The Minority Report."

We have not exactly come to the age of "precrime," where specialized police departments apprehend criminals based on the foreknowledge provided by psychics called "precogs." But the use of behavioral analysts and the information foretelling threats of violent behavior is leading to the arrest of people with criminal intent and prevention of crimes.

We should observe closely, which way will it go over the weekend of October 4-6, 2019. Be alert.


On September 29, 2019, I posted on Twitter the following "footnote" about the release of Joker in India.


  1. Ten/Six is Mad Hat.
    Harvest is Come ~
    Excellent work, Loren ^^

  2. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Whether the movie's release in America triggers anyone, agent/patsy or otherwise, to go on a shooting rampage, or for a show of such kind to be arranged in some other way for capture & posterity by citizen wielded smart devices, remains to be seen, the denial of press access to the premier beyond the red carpet role call & Phoenix's promo-interview walk-out merely add to the frisson of worry that has setup concerns re: "security/danger".

    The escalating fear-mongering, generated to hype the movie, serves to reinforce the curating of a different attack as part of a broader full spectrum assault already at play in pop-cultured wastelands.

    "Joker" is believed, at least by those "geeks and gamers" on the receiving end of smearing as "Nazi/racist/white supremacist" etc, as being some kind of antidote to the "woke" offerings released by "MARVEL/Disney" & the rest of the ensconced entertainment industrial complex - as if anything put out by this entity could ever not be in service of the same ideological goal (echoes of this kind of thinking were on display via the use of Brad Pitt as mascot of the "Straight Pride March" a month ago, no doubt "incels" were in attendance).

    This narrative is another facet of the red/blue / coke/pepsi / evil/good dichotomy that's so effectively worked to possess people, divide and conquer narratives serve those being told, & believing, they're victims deserving reparation of even further kind than already gifted, least of all for it denies them agency whilst it makes use of their claim to seek emancipation to further itself.

    It's (perhaps) curious (for some) that "gun-rampages" are held up as most egregious when "incels" are the perps, the term "incel" is almost exclusively associated with "whites" - their "whiteness" highlighted as their defining trait - the reason for their being violent, "white" = inherently & innately "violent" & "oppressive", this narrative reinforces the belief Trumpeted ever-louder that "whiteness", being problematic, requires "solution", many calling for this panacea of what they project as source & profiteer of all worldly ills suggest it must be "final" so as to supposedly ensure the safety, & prosperity, of those they claim to represent, those they claim only suffer due to the "white supremacist" society that has imposed itself upon them and only allows them access so as to be "victims" of said "white supremacy", this is "gaslighting" of a variety that even the most potent of "Joker" concocted batches of "SMILEX" could ever hope to waft into being.

  3. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Whether the movie's release in America triggers anyone, agent/patsy or otherwise, to go on a shooting rampage, or for a show of such kind to be arranged in some other way for capture & posterity by citizen wielded smart devices, remains to be seen, the denial of press access to the premier beyond the red carpet role call & Phoenix's promo-interview walk-out merely add to the frisson of worry that has setup concerns re: "security/danger".

    The escalating fear-mongering, generated to hype the movie, serves to reinforce the curating of a different attack as part of a broader full spectrum assault already at play in pop-cultured wastelands.

    "Joker" is believed, at least by those "geeks and gamers" on the receiving end of smearing as "Nazi/racist/white supremacist" etc, as being some kind of antidote to the "woke" offerings released by "MARVEL/Disney" & the rest of the ensconced entertainment industrial complex - as if anything put out by this entity could ever not be in service of the same ideological goal (echoes of this kind of thinking were on display via the use of Brad Pitt as mascot of the "Straight Pride March" a month ago, no doubt "incels" were in attendance).

    This narrative is another facet of the red/blue / coke/pepsi / evil/good dichotomy that's so effectively worked to possess people, divide and conquer narratives serve those being told, & believing, they're victims deserving reparation of even further kind than already gifted, least of all for it denies them agency whilst it makes use of their claim to seek emancipation to further itself.

    It's (perhaps) curious (for some) that "gun-rampages" are held up as most egregious when "incels" are the perps, the term "incel" is almost exclusively associated with "whites" - their "whiteness" highlighted as their defining trait - the reason for their being violent, "white" = inherently & innately "violent" & "oppressive", this narrative reinforces the belief Trumpeted ever-louder that "whiteness", being problematic, requires "solution", many calling for this panacea of what they project as source & profiteer of all worldly ills suggest it must be "final" so as to supposedly ensure the safety, & prosperity, of those they claim to represent, those they claim only suffer due to the "white supremacist" society that has imposed itself upon them and only allows them access so as to be "victims" of said "white supremacy", this is "gaslighting" of a variety that even the most potent of white-faced "Joker" concocted batches of "SMILEX" could ever hope to waft into being.

  4. Anonymous11:19 AM

    "Joker" director "Todd Philips" "Often makes coming of age comedies" according to IMDB & as quoted:

    "I like the danger that a comic brings to a role. It has a feeling, even though everything's scripted and everything's planned what you're going to do ... there's a feeling that anything could happen"

    "I think comedy directors tend to feel a need to justify the bad behavior, and I just never think that ... I don't think you have to justify bad behavior."

    "I'm first and foremost a company man...", "I was taught that you didn't want to be part of the group - that it was better to do your own thing."

    "Comedy is so subjective. You could be in a room with 400 people laughing at a joke and you could just not think it's funny. You're just sitting there like, 'Am I in the twilight zone? Why is everyone laughing?' It's such a personal thing. People have such a personal visceral response to comedy."

    "The worst thing you can do as a comedy director is be on set and think of something ridiculous, or an actor comes up to you with something ridiculous, and you say 'No, no that's too much.' Let's not worry if that's too much, let's shoot it, and then decide if that's too much when we see it"

    Philips' 1st feature was a documentary on GG Allin, "Hated: GG Allin and the Murder Junkies"*, who died of a heroin overdose during post-production. Could GG be one of Phoenix's "Joker" inspirations? Allin stated he was trying "to make rock music "dangerous" again ...the movie-maker returns to his nourishing source, seems Philips courts danger, upset, horror/"Shock Treatment" & Phoenix would have direct personal experience of such trauma making Allin a good receptacle of projection in the service of inspiration.

    *The DVD cover of which shows the head wound bloodied Allin in full flow beneath which the director's name appears and below this the word "exploited". Philips' next piece of work, another documentary, "Frat House" explored "the darker side of fraternity life", his next & first movie, "Road Trip", was one of the many, many teen-sex comedies unleashed on the youth of America as the millennium turned, this was a lucrative change(?) of focus for Philips as he progressed his career with the likes of "The Hangover" series on the way to helming "Joker".

  5. I don't know that there is a direct Joker link, but there was a shooting on Oct. 4th, in Vancouver, Washington, across the river from Portland. You probably heard about this--it made national news--and I might have dismissed it except for some weird syncs.

    It happened on 10/4.

    It happened in the Smith Tower Apartments, a 15-story residential community in a round, cylindrical building that looks a lot like the Capitol Records Building in Los Angeles.

    It is located right by the intersection of I-5 and Washington Route 14, which goes through the Gorge to Stevenson, Washington, which is hosting a logging festival called Logtoberfest and an event called Bigfoot Bash this weekend. I think you have visited Stevenson for a Bigfoot conference.

    The two women who were shot were a 77 year old resident of the Tower, and a 44 year old caregiver who worked there. 77 and 44 are both multiples of 11. Apparently, the accused fired her as his caregiver last year when she rejected his offer to become his lover.

    The accused lived on the 13th floor. The Capitol Records building is 13 stories high. And we all know about the connotations for 13.

    One of the responding agencies was the Clark County Sheriff's Office, and they used a drone of theirs to attempt to locate the suspect as seen in news footage from local FOX affiliate KPTV 12. Other footage from KPTV showed that officers wearing jackets labeled ATF Police and Dept. of Homeland Security.

    This link should have an image of the building.!1s0x5495a8b06db4e4c1%3A0xaa43bee701b9e0f9!2m22!2m2!1i80!2i80!3m1!2i20!16m16!1b1!2m2!1m1!1e1!2m2!1m1!1e3!2m2!1m1!1e5!2m2!1m1!1e4!2m2!1m1!1e6!3m1!7e115!!5ssmith%20tower%20apartments%20vancouver%20-%20Google%20Search!15sCAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipNcM42C118W9dt99Ri7r8yTrAZMcLshr5j9PMln&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiwjNOLvYPlAhXkPn0KHSSSC4UQoiowCnoECAoQBg

    In addition to the shooting, there was an incident at a Cinemark theater which interrupted the showing of Joker.
