Saturday, March 19, 2016

2016 Presidential Yankees or Cowboys?

What would Carl Oglesby say about all the candidates as they stumble towards the Presidential Election of 2016?

Carl Oglesby's most famous book, a favorite of mine, reveals a twilight language view of the world and should be read by all students of political history. It is The Yankee and Cowboy War: Conspiracies from Dallas to Watergate and Beyond (1976).

I've discovered this book, which is extremely difficult to find in a print edition (they go for over $300 via used book vendors), is available as a free download, here. You have no excuse not to read it.

I asked Carl's son, Caleb Oglesby, about publicly posting this link, as I respect author's copyrights. This is what Caleb wrote to me on August 10, 2015: "I think he would be happy to see it out there in the world. I know someone approached my sister about putting this book online, and we as a family gave our blessings."

Carl Oglesby, 1989.

Of course, I miss what Carl Oglesby (July 30, 1935 – September 13, 2011) would have had to say about the specific alignments of the candidates for president. "What would Carl say?" does come to mind.

It's a circus out there, but someone in this candidate pool, no doubt, is going to continue the Yankee or Cowboy traditions.

Rick Perry's Texas Cowboy roots are secure, but candidates Bush and Cruz have undermined Perry's Texas money base by courting Perry's former Cowboy funders.

Yankee Donald Trump, of course, would like to take on the mantle of the Midnight Cowboy.

Some people, like Rick Santorum, don't wear the Cowboy hat too well.

Who above are the "Yankees" and who are the "Cowboys"?

What is Hillary?


I posted the above on August 10, 2015. The following is an update added on March 19, 2016.

The political calendar has advanced, and in the tradition of Carl Ogelsby, it is becoming more obvious what is what in the current Yankees vs Cowboys War.

A Virginia conservative newsletter, BearingDrift, has come forth with an item, "The Return of the Rockefeller Republicans."

Clearly, that piece's author senses that the "Yankees" in the race are Donald Trump, Chris Christie, and apparently John Kasich. 

It will be recalled that Christie was the designated person to take out Marco Rubio (a Cowboy? NeoCon).

If there is a contested convention in Cleveland, will an alliance be along Yankee and Cowboy lines?

Some dispute that Kasich is a Yankee, and, instead, wish to wrap him in the mantle of the Cowboy. But how comfortable is he with sunbelt conservatives vs East Coast moderates?

The Texas candidate who no-one-use-to-like, Ted Cruz, is an isolated Cowboy, apparently. However, he certainly seems to wish to send out occult hand signals.

The Internet has fun with Ted Cruz (above), but in reality, he transmits his own twilight language, publicly.

As far as Bernie Sanders and Hillary Rodham Clinton, there appears to be little evidence they are not Yankees.

Photographer David Becker.

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