Thursday, January 13, 2011

Mona Lisa's Twilight Language

According to the Associated Press, a researcher has found symbols in Mona Lisa:

Letters, numbers claimed found in the painting

Forget her smile. An Italian researcher says the key to solving the
enigmas of "Mona Lisa'" lies in her eyes.

Silvano Vinceti claims he has found the letter "S'' in the woman's
left eye, the letter "L'' in her right eye, and the number "72" under
the arched bridge in the backdrop of Leonardo da Vinci's famous
painting. According to the researcher, the symbols open up new leads
to identifying the model, dating the painting, and attesting to
Leonardo's interest in religion and mysticism.

This is just the latest theory about a painting that has never ceased
to intrigue scholars, art lovers and casual viewers alike. Others have
claimed the painting is really the portrait of a man, or a
self-portrait, while speculation over the reason for the model's
famously enigmatic smile have ranged from pregnancy to mourning.

Some Leonardo scholars have expressed doubt over the new findings or
their significance, with one calling them "unsubstantial."

The newly found symbols are not visible to the naked eye. Vinceti said
Wednesday they are "very small, painted with a tiny brush and
subjected to the wear and tear of time."

Vinceti has not studied the painting directly at the Louvre Museum,
where it is on display. He said his research was based on
high-definition scanned images from the Lumiere Technology in Paris,
which specializes in digitizing artworks. Back in Italy, a Rome
laboratory digitally excluded reflexes and other colors in the eyes in
order to isolate the letters and make them stand out, Vinceti said.

The number "72" was recently found hidden in an arch of the bridge to
the right of the model, he told The Associated Press.

Tradition holds that the "Mona Lisa" is a painting of Lisa Gherardini,
wife of Florentine merchant Francesco del Giocondo, and that Leonardo
started painting it in 1503.

But Vinceti said the "S'' might refer to a woman in the Sforza dynasty
that ruled Milan. Leonardo spent time there between 1482-1499 and then
between 1506-1507, Vinceti said, which might change the date of when
the painting was begun.

Vinceti said the letter on the painting is drawn in the same way
Leonardo did in his writings. The letter "L'' is for Leonardo, he

Vinceti and his group of historians and researchers are currently
studying documents and making cross-references about Leonardo's
movements and possible models. He said they expect to come up with a
name for the model within weeks.

The number "72," Vinceti argues, is found in the Kabbalah, a form of
Jewish mysticism, and in Christianity. Even when considered
separately, "7'' is full of symbolic associations in both Judaism and
Christianity, for example to the creation of the world, and the number
"2'' may be a reference to the duality of male and female, said

The researcher said he remains open to other interpretations, but
insisted that the "Mona Lisa" was more than just a painting for
Leonardo ó it was a "cultural will" of sorts.

"Leonardo did nothing by chance," said Vinceti. "He wanted to leave
his final thoughts on his view of the universe."

Vinceti is the same researcher who has recently said he located
Caravaggio's remains. He also sought to dig up Leonardo's body in
France to conduct carbon and DNA testing.

Alessandro Vezzosi, the director of a museum dedicated to Leonardo in
his Tuscan hometown of Vinci, was skeptical.

Vezzosi argued that multiple sources prove that the painting depicts a
woman from Florence, saying the purported new symbols are insufficient
to counter that evidence.

Claudio Strinati, an art historian and an official with the Italian
Culture Ministry, said Leonardo's passion for the Kabbalah is well
known. But he doesn't believe that Leonardo wanted to attach any
symbolic meaning to the letters and numbers, otherwise he would have
left better clues.

"Over the past decades there have been so many interpretations I don't
even remember them all," Strinati told the AP. "We all think the (Mona
Lisa) is this constant source of mystery. The truth is, when you set
your mind to finding a secret, you can demonstrate whatever you want."


Holmes said...

This video always makes me think he's just upset about this research

Anonymous said...

Who is the lady on the X-ray under the surface of Mona Lisa.


Michael W. Domoretsky said...

Dear Loren Coleman, May 21.2011
My name is Michael W.Domoretsky who has researched Lionardo for the last 7-8 years, with passion. I have and can show my research on the Mona Lisa that I believe you would find not only most interesting, but mind bending to say the least; I have tried to explain this to (Silvano Vinceti) but only find him interested in one thing, and that is the direction in which he is going in and open to, nothing else but running around Europe digging up graves, to prove some value in what he is doing and will not stop until everyone is a believer of him.
(Silvano Vinceti) is not even close to the direction he should be going in, but persists to do so.
I would like a chance to show you my research and mind bending proof of what I have discovered in the process.
1. Lionardo once wrote that simplicity was the highest form of intelligence.
2. He also wrote in his notes the eye, who would believe so small a space could hold the secrets of the entire universe.
Taken from the notebooks of Leonardo, da Vinci compiled and edited from the original manuscripts by Jean Paul Richter.
I do hope this grabs your attention; you will not only be intrigued but I promise you will not be disappointed, I assure you.
My E Mail address is, If you decide to put this under comments I only ask you to please leave my E Mail address out, Iam sure you can understand, and also, I do live in New England,MA.

and you can find me under my last name in twitter
Michael W.Domoretsky

Anonymous said...

if you have been researching him, shouldnt you know his name is spelt with an E not an I? LEEEEEEonardo not Lionardo.

Holly J. said...

I am with anonymous on this one....its LEONARDO. Someone researching the man for 7 OR 8 years should know that.

Holly J. said...

I am with anonymous on this one....its LEONARDO. Someone researching the man for 7 OR 8 years should know that.

Holly J. said...

Mr. Domoretsky,

You have not even truly stated what your research is about, and the fact that you spelled "Leonardo" incorrectly will not win you any appreciation. It will be difficult for any scholar to take you seriously. You have absolutely NOT grabbed my attention.

Anonymous said...

his full birth name was "Lionardo di ser Piero da Vinci"

Anonymous said...

Jeez everyone give the man a break. I'm interested to hear about it? Any theory is possible. Please tell me what you've discovered about The Mona Lisa?

Anonymous said...

^ Agreed. I think its fascinating to find out that symbols were painted on the Mona Lisa. To believe that they represent something or not is up to the individual, but I'm intrigued all the same. And Holly, lighten up. whether it's Lionardo or Leonardo doesn't make a difference, what matters is the information this devoted man has given us. Thank you, Mr. Domoretsky :)

Anonymous said...

i have not studied the man fr any length of time but one thing i know about being a scholar is that i don't dismiss anything until i have researched it myself, give the guy a break. What the spelling of his name has done is prompt me to look deeper.
One thing de Vinci would have admired is that we do search, deeper it was his trade mark as a human, you go for it. Why not start your own site, post the address i will read it, if nothing else.

Anonymous said...

The woman in the picture is Lucifer. The woman that stands in the New York Harbor is Lucifer. The woman on top of the Washington, DC capitol building is Lucifer. Lucifer is "Venus" or the morning star that the book of Isiah refers to as being casted down to earth.

Anonymous said...

compare the picture of Monalisa to the picture of the last supperthe back round is very simalair to each other and the person to the left of Jesus is almost the same....

Michael W. Domoretsky said...

. Unfortunately the conventional wisdom / thinking of these "experts" have been hindered by a lack of openness to other possibilities. This has set the tone for restoration for generations. This mindset creates a follower mentality and stifles, progressive innovation and understanding. It is the safe route, but in turn fosters mediocrity and is damaging irreplaceable art. The fear of proffering a different or counter culture viewpoint in academia or research, though not engendering the physical consequences of old, still sadly inhibits the progress in understanding the truth. Though nothing new, this has been going on for thousands and thousands years, It would be far more advantageous for us, as a race and society, if we were more prone to be more willing to accept and investigate new or different viewpoints, rather than be mired in, and fearful of, changes to the accepted paradigms. We need to turn the page, wake up and entertain the possibilities.

On a nother note!

Lionardo di ser Piero, da Vinci, Given name at burth,(more)spoken in Italian.

Leonardo was born on April 15, 1452(Old Style), "at the third hour of the night" in the Tuscan hill town of Vinci, in the lower valley of the Arno River in the territory of the Medici-ruled Republic of Florence. He was the out-of-wedlock son of the wealthy Messer Piero Fruosino di Antonio da Vinci, a Florentine legal notary, and Caterina, a peasant. Leonardo had no surname in the modern sense, “da Vinci” simply meaning “of Vinci”: his full birth name was "Lionardo di ser Piero, da Vinci", meaning "Leonardo, (son) of (Mes)ser Piero from Vinci".[8] The inclusion of the title "ser" indicated that Leonardo's father was a gentleman.

Leonardo de sir Piero or Leonardo da Vinci, also spoken in the English tounge, as in England / British.

For more info.