Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Reeves Name Game

George Reeves (January 5, 1914 - June 16, 1959)
Steve Reeves (January 21, 1926 - May 1, 2000)
Keanu Reeves (September 2, 1964 - )
Christopher Reeve (September 25, 1952 - October 10, 2004)

There are many portals into the Name Game. A revealing of the strange monikers occurs if you study the sightings across the years. 

Take a book like Patrick Huyghe's The Field Guide to Extraterrestrials or John Keel's Operation Trojan Horse, as your gateway.  

For, a moment, let me put this in context. With one name. Reeves.

The above Twitter discussion on "Reeves" stimulated me to gather a collection of my thoughts on this Reeves' name game and its associated forms, all in one place.


In April 1966, sixteen-year-old Kathy Reeves of Newport, Oregon, saw three tiny tree stumps walking across a meadow near her home. She was walking home with a friend across a large field when they saw three, small "walking stumps" moving across the field. They were multicolored; orange, white, yellow, blue even "watermelon"-colored.

Tim Binnall wrote in 2009:
Loren Coleman in his book Mothman and Other Curious Encounters, writes that Pioneer Mountain Road "had always been weird," according to locals. (It is a spooky kind of road.) Coleman plays his name game with Newport; commenting that the city is a "new port" for weird events to come through, and that the name Reeves seems to be at the top of the list for people experiencing Fortean events. The Oregon Reeves family experienced quite a bit of high strangeness after Kathy Reeves stumps sighting; colored lights moving both inside and outside the house, UFOs, etc. These events were witnessed by others on Pioneer Mountain, and UFOs were seen by several witnesses in other parts of Newport.

John A. Keel once raised the question of name selectivity in his writings: "Hundreds of thousands of phenomenal events have been described in newspapers, magazines and books, and hundreds of thousands of witnesses have been named in print. When dealing with such a large body of evidence – or population – certain laws of probability should surface. We might expect that more Smiths would see UFOs than anyone else, simply because there are more Smiths around. But, in actuality, the name Smith rarely appears in a UFO report."
What Keel found was that unusual names were the point of convergence for the phenomena. He saw McDaniel, Reeves/Reaves, Maddox, Heflin, Allen, Hill, and others, as being selected for UFO and related experiences, as I first pointed out in my "Name Game" chapter in 1983, in Mysterious America.

Bryant and Helen Reeve of Flying Saucer Pilgrimage
The witnesses’ name, Reeves, is among those special family titles that have been pinpointed as playing a magnetic role in the “name game.” John Keel once told me that people named Reeve/Reeves have a lot of strange experiences. Many monster witnesses have been named Reeves. A glance at the indexes of Fortean Times will show a sprinkling of Reeves and Reeve, as witnesses and contributors.
John F. Reeves points out what he considers to be alien footprints near his property in Brooksville, Florida.

A man named Reeves was the primary witness in a now famous Brooksville, Florida UFO case. As Jerome Clark has written: “A man so obscure as to be barely known to most other residents of the rural area where he lived, John F. Reeves, 66, became the focus of international attention in 1965, when he reported an encounter with a UFO and its occupant.”
Contactees Bryant and Helen Reeve reached celebrity status in the 1950s after writing their book, Flying Saucer Pilgrimage. Much has been written of the tragic coincidences whirling around the lives of the actors (George Reeves and Christopher Reeve) who played the television and movie Superman (a fictional character who was an alien come to Earth to assist humans) or the “superman” (Keanu Reeves) in The Matrix.
There is a reason it’s called the Name Game.Mothman and Other Curious Encounters (NY: Paraview, 2002)
Steve Reeves, Hercules in the movies in 1957-1959.

August 1, 2007: The I-35W Bridge collapses.
Jay Reeves, 39, was one of the first people on the scene after the collapse. He tried calling 911, but all the lines were jammed. Then, he heard the sounds of children’s screams from the school bus.
“I opened my car door and was greeted by the screams of lots of kids. Screaming kids are good. That means they’re alive and full of a lot energy,” said Reeves, a trained paramedic and the public safety coordinator for the Minnesota American Red Cross.Associated Press, August 2, 2007.

A famed film producer of the upcoming Superman film, Man of Steel, Lloyd Phillips, 63, has died suddenly in Malibu, California. He passed away on January 28, 2013. Was it the Superman Curse?

Whoever wrote the "Superman Curse" entry at Wikipedia did a remarkably good job of researching the subject, and discussing a greatly expanded list of individuals to which it may apply. These, besides George Reeves and Chris Reeve, were other Superman-linked people, including Bud Collyer, Lee Quigley, Kirk Alyn, Margot Kidder, Richard Pryor, and Dana Reeve. Several people were explored in the 2006 documentary, The Curse of Superman.

October 17, 2013. Washington D.C.

After lawmakers voted to reopen the government, things took a bizarre turn on the House floor. A congressional stenographer named Dianne Reidy had to be removed from the House floor after she took the microphone at the front desk, and began noting things like  about the Freemasons and the Constitution. She said the U.S. is not “one nation under God."

“They go against God!” the woman exclaimed. “You cannot serve two masters. Praise be to God, Lord Jesus Christ!”

Lawmakers observed what was happening, at first, in stunned silence. A representative from Texas told the AP, "She had a crazed look on her face," reported KXL 101 FM News.

Reidy allegedly said:
He will not be mocked! He will not be mocked! (Don't touch me.) He will not be mocked! The greatest deception here, is this is not one nation under God! It never was! Had it been, it would not have been, no, it would not have been, the constitution would not have been written by Freemasons! They go against God! You cannot serve two masters! You cannot serve two masters. Praise be to God, lord Jesus Christ! Praise be to ...
House Stenographer Dianne Reidy

Within twilight language decoding, it should be pointed out that I have previously noted the importance of the hot name game among Fortean and anomalistic phenomena of "Reed"/"Reeder"/"Reeves" and, according to John A. Keel, in ufology and demonology, with "Reeves"/"Reaves." The name, of course, has been associated with the tragic lives of various "Reeves" who have played Superman on television and in the movies, and the Superman-like roles of Keanu Reeves in The Matrix and The Day The Earth Stood Still.

The name "Diane Reidy" would be merely another form of the Reeves/Reed thread.

January 13, 2014Wesley Chapel, Pasco County, Florida.

Curtis Reeves, Jr., 71, a retired Tampa Police Captain was arrested and held without bail for shooting a man and his wife after an apparent argument over texting while at a Wesley Chapel, Florida, movie theater.
At the Monday afternoon showing of the film Lone Survivor, Reeves and his wife were sitting behind another couple, Chad and Nicole Oulson, watching the previews, when Reeves became agitated with Chad for texting before the movie began.
At the Wesley Chapel-January 13th screening of Lone Survivor an argument broke out between the couples, popcorn was thrown, after which Reeves reportedly left the theater, came back, took out a gun and fired at Oulson and his wife. Officials said Nicole tried to block the bullet, resulting in a gunshot wound to her hand, before Chad was struck. And killed.

Paul Mounet (1847-1922)

Keanu Reeves 

Whitley Strieber pre-recorded an episode with me, Loren Coleman, for his Dreamland podcast.

We talked, in general, about the topic of strange creaturesthe museum, and the upcoming conference, but then Whitley took a radical turn. He asked about my study of names and dates. As I said to him, at the time, "I know where you are going."

Out-of-the-blue, Whitley picked one name to discuss.

The name: Reeves.

As I told Whitley, Reeves is one of those names that appear to have a magnetic attraction to UFO incidents and "Superman" cultural themes. John Reeves is a name linked to Brooksville, Florida UFO sightings, Bryant and Helen Reeve travelled the US in search of "the Saucerers," Keanu Reeves has been linked to Polish UFOs, and John A. Keel spoke of the importance of the name "Reeves" in his writings. 

The name itself, Reeve, from English, means "the chief under the king, or the overseer/chief peasant of a manor." Reeve, with links back to Dutch, means "to pass an end of the line through a block, ring, or something similar." This comes from reven, "to reef," in a sense to "use a rope in or as in reefing."


Reeves is one name. We know there are others.

In The Rebirth of Pan: Hidden Faces of the American Earth Spirit, Jim Brandon writes, regarding the overall "name game": 

I'm not talking here of such spooky tongue-twisters as H.P. Lovecraft's Yog-Sothoth or Arthur Machen's Ishakshar, but of quite ordinary names like Bell, Beall and variants, Crowley, Francis, Grafton, Grubb, Magee/McGee, Mason, McKinney, Montpelier, Parsons, Pike, Shelby, Vernon, Watson/Watt, Williams/Williamson. 

In my 1983 Mysterious America, I wrote:
Cryptologic or coincidence? Jim Brandon should be credited with calling attention to the name Watts/Watkins/Watson, and its entanglement with inexplicable things. Some other names involved in mysterious events pinpointed by Brandon are Bell, Mason, Parsons, Pike, Vernon, and Warren. The influence of such names as Mason, Pike, Warren, and Lafayette, for example, issues, in some cryptopolitical and occult way, from their ties to the Masonic tradition.
My colleague and correspondent Chuck Shepherd, has been a student of this "name game" for years. Here's what Chuck says about it, in an introduction to the topic:
The Classic Middle Name
It only occurred to me in the early 1990s that "Wayne" was a popular middle name among a few of the most heinous murderers of our time, e.g., the clown John Wayne Gacy (who killed almost three dozen boys and young men in the late 1970s and buried most of them beneath the floorboards of his Des Plaines, Ill., home) and Elmer Wayne Henley (sentenced to six consecutive life terms in 1974 in Houston for his role, with ringleader Dean Allen Corll, in the murders of 27 young men). I began to publish periodic lists in 1996, and soon readers made sure I never missed a one that made the news. Source, plus his impressively long list of names.

My past postings on other "Name Games" at the Twilight Language:

The word Aurora (Colorado = "Red Dawn") has been discussed extensively throughout this blog, since July 20, 2012.

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