Jared Lee Loughner, at a book fair recently. Photo: Business Insider
Lee Harvey Oswald.

Gabrielle Giffords, the assassination attempt target.
Federal law enforcement sources said that John M. Roll, the senior U.S. District judge in Arizona, was shot and killed in the incident. An aide of Giffords, a former social worker, also apparently was among those who have died.
A 22-year old man was taken into custody after being tackled by people in the small crowd after the shooting. One pistol was recovered and it had what police described as "an extended clip." One media report said he was firing an automatic weapon, but that conflicted with the pistol account.
The man was identified as Jared Lee Loughner, who appears to have left a trail of Internet postings, including some that express convoluted observations about government, anti-religious rants, and statements against "mind control," according to Fox News, the Washington Post, and others. Law enforcement officials said they believed he was a military veteran, but that was an incorrect early report. Jared Lee Loughner, the alleged shooter, was obsessed with mind control.
Giffords, who in November narrowly won reelection to a third term, was hosting her first "Congress on Your Corner" event when a gunman ran up and began shooting her and others in her entourage with a Glock handgun, according to law enforcement sources.
Eyewitness Steven Rayle, a Tucson doctor, said he saw a young man wearing sneakers and what appeared to be navy blue sweats approach Gifford with a semi-automatic handgun raised. The man shot Giffords once in the face, he said.
After Giffords fell, he said, a number of people near Giffords sought to flee but were trapped--hemmed in by the table and a concrete post. The gunman fired into the crowd, he said.
"It was so close, and sort of a tight thing, there was nowhere easy to run," Rayle said. "So most of the crowd got it, you know."
"People that were there were just sitting ducks," Rayle said. "I don't think he was even aiming. He was just firing at whatever."
After a few seconds, Rayle said, the man stopped shooting and tried to flee.
Details are emerging about the assassin.
The man linked to the shooting today of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and others is 22-year-old Jared Lee Loughner, the Associated Press reported.
Police have surrounded a house at 7700 N. Soledad Ave., which is the address listed by a man with the same name on a variety of online accounts and in the volunteer registry for the 2010 Tucson Festival of Books. The home is near West Magee Road and North Thornydale Road on the northwest side. The house is within a few miles of the shooting scene.
A former classmate of Loughner at Pima Community College said he was "obviously very disturbed."
"He disrupted class frequently with nonsensical outbursts," said Lynda Sorenson, who took a math class with Loughner last summer at Pima Community College's Northwest campus.
She doesn't recall if he ever made any threats or uttered political statements but he was very disruptive, she said. He was asked to leave the pre-algebra class several times and eventually was barred from class, said Sorenson, a Tucson resident.
MySpace, YouTube and Facebook accounts maintained by Loughner suggest he has spent most of his life on the northwest side: His profile says he attended Thornydale Elementary, Tortolita Middle School, Mountain View High School and Pima Community College. Loughner took three semesters of sign language at Pima, according to The Festival of Books volunteer database.
The accounts indicate Loughner had a strong interest in literacy.
In a written message on YouTube, Loughner said: "The majority of people, who reside in District-8 are illiterate - hilarious. I don't control your English grammar structure, but you control your English grammar structure."
In a message posted on his MySpace account, titled "Goodbye friends," Loughner said: "Dear friends...please don't be mad at me. The literacy rate is below 5%. I haven't talked to one person who is literate." It was unclear when it was posted.
In a MySpace profile, Loughner said "My favorite interest was reading, and I studied grammar. Conscience dreams were a great study in college."
He lists among his favorite books Mein Kampf and The Communist Manifesto. But he also includes a broad variety of other titles, including: Animal Farm, Brave New World, To Kill a Mockingbird, and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
In a rambling YouTube message referring to a new currency, Loughner said: "I know who's listening: Government Officials, and the People. Nearly all the people, who don't know this accurate information of a new currency, aren't aware of mind control and brainwash methods. If I have my civil rights, then this message wouldn't have happen."
"In conclusion, my ambition - is for informing literate dreamers about a new currency; in a few days, you know I'm conscience dreaming! Thank you!"
In a youtube.com video entitled "Introduction: Jared Loughner" he describes himself as a U.S. military recruit who had recently filled out an application to join the Army.
The video text mentions "MEPS in Phoenix" a reference to the Military Entrance Processing Station in the state capital that all Arizona recruits from every branch of service pass through before leaving for basic training.
"Every United States military recruit at MEPS in Phoenix is receiving one mini bible before the tests," the video said.
"Jared Loughner is a United States military recruit at MEPS in Phoenix. Therefore, Jared Loughner is receiving one mini bible before the tests.
"I didn't write a belief on my Army application and the recruiter wrote on the application: None."
Jared Loughner has had at least two minor run-ins with police, according to on-line court records.
In October 2007, Loughner was cited by the Pima County Sheriff's Department for possession of drug paraphernalia, a charge that was dismissed in November 2007 when he completed a diversion program.
One year later, in October 2008, Loughner was charged with a "local charge" in Marana Municipal Court, that charge was also dismissed following the completion of a diversion program in March 2009.
Court records indicate the Marana case file is due to be purged in December 2013. It's unclear what the exact charge was.
Late updates tell of a white male in his fifties being a second suspect in the shooting. The suspect (shown in the photo released below) is described as white, about 40-50 years old, with dark hair and was last seen wearing blue jeans and a dark blue jacket.
More from the bio/preferences of Jared Lee Loughner as detailed in his MySpace page:
“Schools: I attended school: Thornydale elementary, Tortolita Middle School, Mountain View Highschool, Northwest Aztec Middle College, and Pima Community College.
Interests: My favorite interest was reading, and I studied grammar.
Conscience dreams were a great study in college!
Movies:(*My idiom: I could coin the moment!*)
Music:Pass me the strings!
Books: I had favorite books:
Animal Farm, Brave New World,
The Wizard Of OZ, Aesop Fables,
The Odyssey, Alice Adventures Into Wonderland,
Fahrenheit 451, Peter Pan,
To Kill A Mockingbird,
We The Living,
Phantom Toll Booth,
One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest,
Through The Looking Glass,
The Communist Manifesto, Siddhartha,
The Old Man And The Sea,
Gulliver’s Travels,
Mein Kampf,
The Republic, and Meno.”
Late updates tell of a white male in his fifties being a second suspect in the shooting. The suspect (shown in the photo released below) is described as white, about 40-50 years old, with dark hair and was last seen wearing blue jeans and a dark blue jacket.
More from the bio/preferences of Jared Lee Loughner as detailed in his MySpace page:
“Schools: I attended school: Thornydale elementary, Tortolita Middle School, Mountain View Highschool, Northwest Aztec Middle College, and Pima Community College.
Interests: My favorite interest was reading, and I studied grammar.
Conscience dreams were a great study in college!
Movies:(*My idiom: I could coin the moment!*)
Music:Pass me the strings!
Books: I had favorite books:
Animal Farm, Brave New World,
The Wizard Of OZ, Aesop Fables,
The Odyssey, Alice Adventures Into Wonderland,
Fahrenheit 451, Peter Pan,
To Kill A Mockingbird,
We The Living,
Phantom Toll Booth,
One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest,
Through The Looking Glass,
The Communist Manifesto, Siddhartha,
The Old Man And The Sea,
Gulliver’s Travels,
Mein Kampf,
The Republic, and Meno.”
Screen capture of a video titled "How To: Mind Controller," ostensibly created by shooting suspect Jared Lee Loughner.
(Credit: Screenshot by Edward Moyer/CNET)
Loughner's odd behavior at Pima Community College in Tucson, along with a disturbing Internet video, had caused officials at the school to suspend him in September, pending a mental health clearance, The Times said in another report.
"The rambling, disconnected writings and videos he has left on the Web are consistent with the delusions produced by a psychotic illness like schizophrenia, which develops most often in the teens or 20s," The Times reported.
Jared Lee Loughner, the alleged shooter.
According to court documents released on Sunday, Jan. 10, 2011, authorities discovered a safe in Loughner's home with a thank you letter from Giffords for attending a Congress on Your Corner event in 2007 -- the same kind of event Loughner allegedly assaulted Saturday. Another envelope said "I planned ahead," "My assassination" and "Giffords" and bofe what appears to be Loughner's signature, the documents said.
Shan said she became friends with Loughner the day the two graduated from high school and also had class together at Pima Community College in 2007. She said the two would hang out often after class but lost touch after the semester ended until they reconnected in the summer of 2010 when, Shan said, Loughner acted radically different.
"I don't know might have caused him to change, but from the way he was talking to me [online]... you can see. It was just questions and questions and random, weird questions that didn't go together," she said. "He wanted to know everything... He would just trip out.
"I don't know why it didn't jump out at me, like, 'Hey, something's wrong."
Shan last spoke to Loughner in October, after he was suspended and dropped out of school and before he purchased a semi-automatic handgun from a gunshop in Tucson. But she said while Loughner was "anti-government," he was never violent and never mentioned plans to buy a gun.
When he was suspended from Pima Community College, the school sent a letter to Loughner's parents stating that if Loughner wished to return to the school, he would have to "obtain a mental health clearance indicating, in the opinion of a mental health professional, his presence at the College does not present a danger to himself or others," the school said in a statement.
The school said Loughner had as many as five run-ins with campus police for "classroom and library disruptions," and was suspended after college police discovered a YouTube video apparently created by Loughner in which he claimed the college is "illegal." Rather than return to school, Loughner dropped out, the statement said.
One Pima Community College student, who had a poetry class with Loughner later in his college career, said he would often act "wildly inappropriate."
"One day [Loughner] started making comments about terrorism and laughing about killing the baby," classmate Don Coorough told ABC News, referring to a discussion about abortions. "The rest of us were looking at him in shock ... I thought this young man was troubled."
Another classmate, Lydian Ali, recalled the incident as well.
"A girl had written a poem about an abortion. It was very emotional and she was teary eyed and he said something about strapping a bomb to the fetus and making a baby bomber," Ali said.
Prima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, who only identified the shooter as a 22-year-old white male, said the evidence online and information they've received from two schools that Loughner attended led him to believe the gunman was "unstable."
"There's reason to believe that this individual may have a mental issue," Dupnik told reporters today. "I'm not a psychiatrist so I have no reason to believe the person was insane. Was he unstable? I would agree with that."
Six people were killed in the incident:
John Kroll (63) - a Federal Court Judge
Gabe ZImmerman (30) - one of Congresswoman Giffords' aides
Christina Taylor-Green (9) - an elementary school student and granddaughter of Major League Baseball executive Dallas Green; she was born on 9/11; she was the only girl on a boys' Little League baseball team.
Dorwin Stoddard (76) - a pastor at Mount Avenue Church of Christ. Stoddard's wife Mavy was wounded in the leg, but is expected to recover.
Phyllis Scheck (79)
Dorthy Murray (76)
Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik told reporters that Christina Taylor-Green was pronounced dead at the hospital. The other five fatalities were pronounced at the scene.
"Literacy" as a tipping issue? Back in 2007, MSNBC reported that 1 in 4 Americans read NO books in the last year. But how do you go from loving books to shooting a woman in the face?! Is the issue not the content of his obsession, but just the fact that he has such an intense obsession?
"Christina Taylor Green, nine-year-old victim in today's Tucson shootings, once was an infant designated to be a "Face of Hope" by virtue of her birth on September 11, 2001. She was one of the children born on 9/11, reports Tucson blogger David Abie Morales. And she is thereby featured in the book by Christine Pisera Naman, entitled Faces of Hope, Babies Born on 9/11, dedicated to all the mothers who gave birth and to their babies born on the day the World Trade Towers in New York City were taken down by an act of terrorism."
Jared in Hebrew = YRD. I looked in a Hebrew dictionary for its meaning which is 'descend'.
The next word in the dictionary is YRH which inexplicably means 'to shoot',while underneath is given a phrase YRH MHMVThN - 'to shoot indiscriminately'.
2 words further is the word YRVQ which means 'green'.
An interesting photo -- considering who else wears aprons. Probably just a coincidence --
Wow... it's quite a coincidence (and quite disturbing) that little Christina Green was born on a day of tragedy (9-11-2001) and died in such a tragedy. What a life trajectory... and what are the odds of this happening. In addition, I do believe the antics of the Tea Party as well as Sarah Palin and her supporters contributed to further unhinging this guy's mind.
My pick for the weirdest aspect of this story--full of weird aspects--is the connection to NASA.
Gabrielle Giffords is married to high-ranking astronaut Mark E. Kelly, scheduled to fly the last shuttle mission.
Her brother-in-law is high-ranking astronaut Scott Kelly, currently commanding the International Space Station.
For the last few years at conspiracy sites, there seems to be an intense "disclosure" meme building--NASA knows about Nibiru, NASA knows about the UFOs, NASA knows about the Fourth Reich, NASA knows about the earth changes--and some people WANT to disclose what they know but are being eliminated or brutally forced into silence.
I strongly suspect the political aspects of this awful event--the Tea Party, Right/Left squabbles--will come and go but conspiracy types will hold on to this event and their sort of cosmic paranoia will grow.
Im well versed in Arizonan politics and if there ever was an 'insider' politician in AZ it would be Giffords. Her politics are really an extremely crafty and subtle delivery of the agenda to break down national sovereignty. Shes been at this for a while.
Regrading her husband, all those claims are true. To make it even weirder, her husband and brother and law are identical twins.
Well, I actually agree with penelope's assesment, specially if you find out the expediency with which Palin's staff removes condemning messages on her Facebook page.
One particularly disturbing message left by one of her "supporters":
"It's ok. Christina Taylor Green was probably going to end up a left wing bleeding heart liberal anyway. Hey, as 'they' say, what would you do if you had the chance to kill Hitler as a kid? Exactly."
Sheesh... but I guess a vote is a vote, huh?
It should be noted that the older man originally suspected of being Loughner's accomplice has been identified as a taxi driver who had the misfortune of driving Loughner to the event. He has been cleared of any involvement.
Christ in A Green , a 9/11 resurrection child.
Meanwhile in East Jerusalem......
@ Mark,
Seems he was posting at AboveTopSecret.com as Erad3 about nasa conspiracy stuff among other things
This is the first blog I've read on this visit.
Did you cover the weird smokebombs?
First the smokebombs associated with John Wheeler's murder, then the smokebombs mailed to DHS & MD, and then Jared Loughner sends a suspicious package to Gifford's HQ, and then at least one article reports that Loughner is being investigated to see if he was the one to send the smokebombs to DHS & MD. Strange.
On top of that, he is a walking grab-bag of every type of person people find reason to hate, he's a liberal, a conservative, a tea party member, a 9/11 truth, a UFO/Conspiracy nut, a pot head, a satanist, an atheist, a communist, a nazi, a homosexual or man trapped in a woman's body.
Now the media is reporting that he was pulled over by the cops 2 1/2 hours before the shooting. So he was driving. If he had access to a car, why did he call a cab? In the same story it is reported that authorities don't believe he had the money to purchase the weapon. If so, where did he get the money for the cab? He was unemployeed.
Then there's the mysterious second suspect. The media reported he was a cab driver and that he just dropped Loughner off at the Safeway. After reading that article, I was like, "then why was he caught on camera walking around with Loughner". Wouldn't you know a day later the media published an article seemingly tailor-made per my question, the cabbie got out of the car and entered the Safeway with Loughner because Loughner needed to get change. Strange.
So we have this weird schiophrenic "lone nut" who is obsessed with mind-control perfomr a terribl tragedy and the questions and odd things continue to surface.
I really don't know what to believe. All I can give you is my opinions and my opinions are that Loughner's YouTube profile is fake and that satanic "altar" in the backyard is also fake. I've seen altars. I've been around people of various religions, from Wicca to Santeria, and that altar is in no way smilar to any alternative religion I know of. Either Loughner was doing his own thing, caught up in his own delusional world, or else something stinks and it isn't the rotten oranges next to the artificial skull.
And the name of the man who treated Suzie Hileman, the "friendly neighbor" who brought Christina to the event? - David Bowman - like the fictional astronaut in 2001/2010.
He was not a right wing nut or a liberal goofball. Don't just believe what the media says.
You were so busy that day, weren't you "Anonymous." But I wonder... Why post anonymously on this blog? Why not post as "Pancakeman" like you did at ATS? If your job was simply to make accounts on alternative websites and leave brief one-off messages linking "Erad3" to Jared, well I hope you weren't paid more than minimum wage. But I suspect that in reality you had far more involvement in turning Jared into an assassin than just simply framing him. And don't be too proud of yourself for the work you did to frame him. Those silly videos in which Jared never even appears...so transparent, so lame. You're lucky that Americans are so lazy that they will swallow whatever answer the "news" programs feed them, no matter how bad it tastes, rather than burning a few of the calories off of their bloated asses to power their brains and ponder the obvious inconsistencies in the official story. When it comes to propaganda and misinformation, America really is a seller's market. I have to hand it to you though, shaving his head and eyebrows, the photoshopped mugshot... A masterpiece. With one fake picture you convinced everyone in America that Jared was guilty of insanity and murder. Bravo.How is Jared these days anyhow? Do you still keep in touch? Still feeding him that same twisted grammar you used to subvert his ego? (What, did you think a former witch wouldn't realize the significance of the grammar obsession?) I assume so, since tomorrow he is pleading out. The thorazine must have made it so much harder for you to get through to him. I know what that is like. You're not a miracle worker, obviously. Pulled off the timing on this one by the skin of your teeth. By the way, the work you did in Colorado... Altogether not your best. You really should retire.
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