Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Top Synchromystics of the Year 2019: Shawn Montgomery, Sibyl Hunter, Andrew Griffin

Top Synchromystics of the Year 2019

by Loren Coleman, author Mysterious America (1983, 2006), 
Suicide Clusters (1987), The Copycat Effect (2004), and Twilight Language (2004-Present).

Last year, the Top Synchromystics of the Year 2018 were named as Jim Brandon and Alex Fulton. This year, in a bit of balancing, we note the work of the other cryptokubrologist, who completes the cryptokubology team with Alex Fulton. And look to the output of two others from the world of sync, numbers, and cryptokubrology. Congratulations to Shawn Montgomery, Sibyl Hunter, and Andrew Griffin.

Shawn Montgomery:

Shawn Montgomery may belong to this cat.

The double-Jupiter symbol is the logo for "shawnfella" on YouTube.

Born at 2:37 PM on a day when Pluto was in Virgo (sometime between 1957 and 1971), Robert Shawn Montgomery (who goes by his middle name) has spent a lifetime quietly, effectively immersed in the esoteric. He studied music and electronics in various schools, for just long enough to learn that he and school didn’t exactly get along - too boring. For much of his life he was a rock musician, but as we all know, that can only get one so far. For a while he worked as a translation technician and, as such, spent time on every Native and Inuit reserve in Canada (they have a name for him up there, like in Dances With Wolves).

In 2003, after years of globetrotting research, Shawn made a documentary about Royal Rife’s suppressed cure for cancer—The Rise and Fall of a Scientific Genius: The Forgotten Story of Royal Raymond Rife—narrated by Jeff Rense (still available on DVD at zerozerotwo.org). The film opened professional doors, which led to his becoming a researcher for some heavyweight authors in the arcane sciences (such as Rand Flem-Ath). For a while he worked at the McLuhan Coach House Institute at U of T, where he did some, quote, “serious shit.”

After closing his investigation on Royal Rife, it was around the time of the Financial Crisis that Shawn’s purview expanded to include media studies and another technical wizard: Stanley Kubrick. Following a few years of investigation, he published the “Subliminal Bears” video series, which posited the fantastic claim that Kubrick deliberately embedded, or perhaps was simply already aware of, well… subliminal bears in the mise-en-scéne of his films (as well as on film posters, album covers, and most other objets de média): the sort of dynamite notion that makes even the most seasoned of occult Kubrick researchers sweat and scan the room for the nearest exit. Soon after came “The Shone Report,” a video identifying a certain sound, suspiciously similar to Shawn's own name, on the ambient soundtrack of The Shining, which to date has racked up well over 237,000 views.

On December 21, 2012, as most of us were expecting the Earth to crack open or the Timewave to collapse, Shawn quietly published his full-fledged Kubrick website, which he titled CRYPTO-KUBROLOGY. Thus a new term, a new discipline, was coined and took form. Not content with static text and imagery, Shawn uniquely employed elaborate Flash animations to explicate his complex thematic, numerological, geometric, ursine analyses. Dense as hell, doggedly insistent on not providing easy answers, it was not exactly what one would call “light reading.” To this day it remains the most fanatically detailed analysis of Kubrick’s cinematic sorcery yet produced by anyone. In 2015, a bright-eyed, bushy-tailed Kubrick enthusiast named Alex Fulton managed to strike up a correspondence with the elusive “shawnfella,” and a partnership formed, which takes us all the way to the present day, as the new 21st century esoteric discipline of Crypto-Kubrology takes the world by storm - or, at least, soon will.

Montgomery biographical sketch by Alex Fulton.


Sibyl Hunter

Sibyl Hunter is an American sync enthusiast who seeks out meaningful memes and synchromystic coincidences. Her postings are contemporary, current, personal, and highly visual. Her blogs, since 2010, include "the mask of god" and "The Libyan Sibyl," as well as frequent comments on sites such as Facebook's The Kitchen Sync and The Sync Book.

Sibyl Hunter is one of the contributors of The Sync Book (Book One, 2011).

Hunter writes about and relates to her own personal relationship to the number 4, and thus uses the logo "44" to denote herself. 

Hunter's sketchy bio is compiled from the bread crumbs she has left across the inter web. 


Andrew W. Griffin

Andrew Griffin, owner Red Dirt Report, speaks as the ACLU announces a lawsuit over Oklahoma City's panhandling ordinance at city hall on April 13, 2016 in Oklahoma City, Okla. Photo by Steve Sisney, The Oklahoman

The lapel pin Griffin is wearing is from the International Brigade Memorial Trust. The red hat and white star with "46" on it is of the original state flag of Oklahoma (see here).

Andrew W. Griffin received his Bachelor of Science in Journalism from John Brown University in 1996.

Griffin has been a journalist for over fifteen years covering everything from the court/police beat to the arts and entertainment. After stints at newspapers in Arkansas and Alabama, Griffin went to work at the Waxahachie Daily Light. in Texas and then moved on to The Town Talk newspaper in Alexandria, Louisiana. In 2005, Griffin moved to Oklahoma to work at The Lawton Constitution covering the court/police and sports beats. 

In 2006, Griffin re-located to the Oklahoma City metro area where some months later he launched the Oklahoma online newspaper Red Dirt Report (www.reddirtreport.com) and continued working as a freelance reporter covering everything from politics to music.

Additionally, Griffin is a regular contributor to The Current, an entertainment paper out of Tahlequah, Oklahoma; The Moore American; and The Norman Transcript.

Griffin has also written for other publications including the Birmingham Weekly, Distinctly Oklahoma, Edmond Outlook, Texas Music Times and Best in Texas as well as online publications including CountryStandardTime.com, PopMatters.com, and Tollbooth.org. He has also done interviews with Oklahoma City's News 9 program "The Hot Seat," he has appeared several times on Paul Preston's Agenda 21 Radio Show in California. Additionally, Griffin has appeared on Free Mind Report and a number of Internet podcasts talking about everything from music to politics. A member of the Oklahoma Press Association, also he appears regularly as a guest on The Scott Mitchell Show on the Radio Oklahoma Network.

Griffin devotes much of his time working on investigative pieces – stories that the state media is not thoroughly covering, as well as national interactions of the cryptokubrological kind. He also enjoys covering music and entertainment stories. 

Griffin’s first book was published in 2017, entitled 1966: Sowing the Seeds of the Summer of Love.

Andrew Griffin is working on his next title, about the sychromystic and Fortean intrigue he’s discovered along a certain highway in the Southwest.

This Griffin biographical sketch was compiled from material from Red Dirt Report and Facebook.


Past Synchromystics of the Year

"Synchromysticism: The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance." ~ Jake Kotze, The Brave New World Order, August 18, 2006.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

JFK Resonator Obituaries of 2019

A resonator (first used in 1869) is a device or system that exhibits resonance or resonant behavior, which naturally oscillates with greater amplitude at some frequencies, called resonant frequencies, than at other frequencies.

Resonator is often defined as a device used to make something (such as a musical instrument) louder. Can individuals be defined as "resonators" that call forth more attention to a specific event? Certainly.

On July 6, 2019, a tweet from Diagonal22 noted "The Resonator #2," which apparently was talking about "JFK Jr. Is Still Dead." This was at a private blog located, inaccessible to me. However, this appears to be about the social media's obsession with the rumors that John Kennedy Jr. was not dead, going to surface soon, and a Trump supporter. All well and good, but what intrigued me was the use of "Resonator."

On April 16, 2019, cryptokubologist Alex Fulton used the term "bell-clear resonator of 9/11" with regard to the "Notre Dame Fire of 4/15/19." A direct event-to-event resonance.

On August 30, 2019, Fulton began using "resonator" with a modified human-aligned definition pointing to a person who has a greater amplifying effect on a person-related event. Fulton said, upon the death of Jim Leavelle:
"How about this for a JFK resonator? Oswald's escort dies on the 20370th day after JFK was killed. Former Dallas detective famously photographed escorting Lee Harvey Oswald dies at 99."
From the end of August 2019 onward, I used "JFK Resonator" to denote specific deaths of people who directly were connected to JFK, RFK, and their associated threads. In past years, anyone who is a relative of the Kennedys and died, would be said to have been touched by the Kennedy curse. But the deaths we are discussing in 2019 appear to be ones putting attention on the assassinations of 1963 and 1968 of the Kennedys.

Looking at 2019, here is a chronology of the year's "JFK Resonator" obituaries.

(But first, let me mention a bizarre announcement. In April 2019, the death of James McCord was revealed, two years after the death of this Watergate conspirator and, for some reason, a man who was in Dallas the day John F. Kennedy was killed. McCord died at the age of 93 from pancreatic cancer on June 15, 2017, at his home in Douglassville, Pennsylvania. His death was not reported in local and national news outlets until 2019.)

The 2019 "JFK Resonator" deaths include:

Dick Miller from Executive Action (1973).

January 30, 2019. Dick Miller died of natural causes at age 90. He played “Rifleman, Team B” in Executive Action (1973). His role was to shoot JFK. [Name game: Miller played a lot of different characters (eight up through 2020) named "Walter Paisley." Paisley = "church," "cemetery."] See more.

February 7, 2019. John Dingell, 92, was the last member of Congress who had served in the 1950s and during the presidencies of Dwight D. Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy. On 12/18/2019, Donald Trump implied at a Battle Creek, Michigan rally that the late John Dingell was "looking up" from Hell. See more and more.

Lee Radziwlll and Jackie Kennedy at the RFK funeral.

February 15, 2019. Caroline Lee Radziwill (née Bouvier, formerly Canfield and Ross), usually known as Princess Lee Radziwill, 85, the younger sister of First Lady Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy and sister-in-law of President John F. Kennedy, died, from undisclosed causes. See more.

Nancy Gates in Suddenly (1954).

March 24, 2019. Nancy Gates, 93, an American actress, who starred in Suddenly (1954), a film about an attempt to assassinate the President, died. The assassin in Suddenly was played by Frank Sinatra. Sinatra starred in The Manchurian Candidate, which was released as a film in 1962. Sinatra asked United Artists to withdraw Suddenly from circulation because he heard the rumor that Lee Harvey Oswald had seen it before shooting President Kennedy. See more and more.

May 11, 2019. Lyle Noah died. An ambulance driver with Camp and Son Funeral Home in Mesquite, Texas, Noah was inside Parkland Memorial Hospital when the presidential party arrived. He briefly examined the backseat of the Kennedy limousine. See more.

May 16, 2019. I. M. Pei, 102, died in Manhattan. Pei designed The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum located at Columbia Point, near the University of Massachusetts Boston. See more.

June 18, 2019. H.P. Albarelli Jr., 72, died of a stroke. Wrote about the Kennedy killing, A Secret Order: Investigating the High Strangeness and Sychronicity in the JFK Assassination (2013), and a forthcoming book, Coup in Dallas: Who Killed JFK And Why (2020). See more.

July 27, 2019. Edward Lewis, a producer who hired Dalton Trumbo to work on Spartacus (1960), and continued working with him through Executive Action (1973) and other films, died at 99. See more.

August 1, 2019. Robert F. Kennedy's granddaughter Saoirse Kennedy Hill, 22, died at the Joseph P. Kennedy House, Barnstable, Massachusetts, died of an accidental overdose. See more.

Tim McIntyre guards JFK, shown to the left of the President.

August 25, 2019. William "Tim" McIntyre, a Secret Service agent who was 30 ft away from JFK when he was shot, died on August 25, the 237th day of the year, at age 84 (42 + 42). See more.

Dallas Police Department Homicide Detective Jim Leavelle (in light hat and light suit) escorts Lee Harvey Oswald, as Jack Ruby shoots Oswald, November 24, 1963.

August 29, 2019. Dallas Detective James Robert "Jim" Leavelle, 99, died. He is seen wearing the light suit while escorting Lee Harvey Oswald in the basement parking area of Dallas Police Department for transport, when Oswald was shot by Jack Ruby. [I met Leavelle and Marina Oswald-Porter at the Assassination Symposium on John F. Kennedy (known as the A.S.K. or ASK conference) held in Dallas in November 1992.] See more.

August 31, 2019. Marita Lorenz, 80, died. Lorenz reportedly had an affair with Fidel Castro, and was involved with CIA assassination plots. She testified about the John F. Kennedy assassination, stating that she was involved with a group of anti-Cuban militants, including Frank Sturgis, and E. Howard Hunt of CIA and Watergate infamy shortly before the assassination. See more.

September 10, 2019. Dr. Albert McClelland, 89, one of the original operating-room doctors who tried to save JFK. He felt one of the shots came from the front and that there was a second shooter. See more.

September 11, 2019. Robert Kennedy Jr. uses Instagram to say that Thane Eugene Cesar, who just died 9/11/19, was the “second gunman” who assassinated RFK, JFK's brother. See more.

September 16, 2019. Sander Vanocur, 91, who for decades covered U.S. politics, and JFK & RFK assassinations for NBC, PBS, and ABC news, died. Worked on the Kennedy-Nixon debate, was the last to interview RFK, and interviewed Jackie Kennedy. See more.

September 17, 2019. Political commentator Mary Martha Corinne Morrison Claiborne "Cokie" Roberts (née Boggs), 75, died. Her father was Senator Hale Boggs, JFK Warren Commission member (he believed it was a conspiracy); he vanished in Alaska in 1972. In 2002, Cokie Roberts was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. She was successfully treated at the time but died from complications of the disease in Washington, D.C. Her funeral mass took place at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle, the site of President John F. Kennedy's funeral in 1963. See more.

November 7, 2019. Winston Lawson, 22-year Secret Service agent who planned John F. Kennedy's route, rode in front when JFK was assassinated, and carried Oswald’s rifle back to DC, died at 91, Norfolk, Virginia. See more.

December 12, 2019. Danny Aiello, 86, died. Aiello played the title role in Ruby (1992), as the Dallas nightclub owner who killed Lee Harvey Oswald. He co-starred w/ Sherilyn Fenn's Candy Cane (Twin Peaks) & David Duchovny's J. D. Tippit (The X-Files, Twin Peaks). See more.


Visual notes on the cryptokubrology of the Kennedys by Alex Fulton and Shawn Montgomery.


Two movies mentioned above, Ruby and Executive Action, have been noted as having been "buried," "ignored," and "censored." Whether any of those criticisms are too large, nevertheless, such films are often skipped in individual actors' obituaries.

A footnote for the future, actor Willie Garson played Lee Harvey Oswald in Ruby (1992) and in Quantum Leap (1989-1992).

Willie Garson as Lee Harvey Oswald, in Ruby (1992).

Jim Leavelle, Lee Harvey Oswald, and Jack Ruby meet in history, November 24, 1963.

Highly recommended.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Cryptokubrology: 237 in Films of 1980 and Before

The film The Shining was released on May 23, 1980. The importance of finding the number 237 in movies that have appeared before and since The Shining has become a mainstay of #Cryptokubrology.
Cryptokubrology: "A useful methodology for deconstructing cinema, history, and synchronicity." ~ says Alex Fulton (@Crypto-Kubruology), January 31, 2017. 
Cryptokubrology has been defined as "digging through the works of Stanley Kubrick on the premise that its body is a muted mass of coded cabalistic ministrations comparable (in scope) to the works of William Shakespeare, but incomparable (in complexity) to anything in recorded history. In fact, Cryptokubrology has led to an entirely different view of so-called 'history' itself." ~ says Robert Shawn Montgomery (shawnfella)

The work in this realm has come in the wake of The Shining, of course. One of the foundation analyses is Room 237.

Room 237 is a 2012 American documentary film directed by Rodney Ascher about interpretations and perceived meanings of Stanley Kubrick's film The Shining (1980), which was adapted from the 1977 novel of the same name by Stephen King. The film includes footage from The Shining and other Kubrick films, along with discussions by a number of Kubrick enthusiasts. The film has nine segments, each segment focusing on different elements within the film which "may reveal hidden clues and hint at a bigger thematic oeuvre."

As the New York Times stated in 2013, "Like The Shining and its maze within a maze, Mr. Ascher’s movie is something of a labyrinth."

The film was produced by Tim Kirk. The title refers to a room in the haunted hotel featured in The Shining, which a character is warned never to enter. Ascher had a budget of $5,426, and made $296, 359 at the box office. It was a sterling success in the history of documentary film.

Another filmmaker who has studied the craft of Kubrick is Gary Leva

Leva Filmworks' "Stanley Kubrick Collection" includes (each link has a clip from his selection) the following:
Among the practitioners of Cryptokubrology, none are more prominent than Alex Fulton and Robert Shawn Montgomery, who are the co-creators of @Cryptokubrology on Twitter and the co-masterminds behind various cryptokubrology contributions on YouTube and Facebook.

Fulton and Montgomery have produced a series of YouTube videos: 

Who said "237"?

One major criticism I have, regarding a comprehensive understanding of the appearance of "237" in films is that directors - after The Shining (1980) - may be placing the number in their films as homage to Kubrick.

The best evidence for finding true cryptokubrological insights may come from concentrating on the pre-The Shining examples.

The Crypto-K series gives incidents of "237" being found in films. But as opposed to hundreds or thousands of instances, the series only mentions 31 films or television episodes where the number 237 is mentioned or shown (for example as an address or room number).  Of those, I find Fulton and Montgomery include only ten instances of pre-1980 cases of "237."

I have found others, such as in Torn Curtain (1966).

But let us look at those that Fulton and Montgomery cite in their videos from before and up to 1980. From watching their series, here is their complete list. These are enhanced with some of their screenshots, and revealed thus far (unless I missed any) where "237" specifically appears:

Possessed (1931)

Shop Around The Corner (1940)

Possessed (1947)

In the Good Old Summertime (1949)

The Three Faces of Eve (1957)

Sleeper (1973)

Sleeper (1976)

The Big Bus (1976)

The World Beyond (1978)

The Shining (released May 23, 1980)

The Blues Brothers (released June 20, 1980; filming occurred July to October 1979)