Back to the Future Predicts 9/11's filmmaker Joe Alexander.
The Twilight Language is giving its Third Annual "Synchromystic Of The Year" Award to Joe Alexander on December 15, 2016. The annual honor is bestowed upon a deserving individual who has contributed to the broad dissemination of a better understanding of the objectives and goals underpinning the field of synchromysticism.
"Synchromysticism: The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance." ~ Jake Kotze, The Brave New World Order, August 18, 2006.The filmmaker Joe Alexander produced Back to the Future Predicts 9/11 and released it via YouTube on July 27, 2015, under his moniker "barelyHuman11." As of December 2016, it has been viewed over 2,997,000 times.
The Atlantic on the real October 21, 2015, which as a fictional date is well-known to Back to the Future trilogy students, observed:
A 12-minute video that’s making the rounds this week claims the 1985 film Back to the Future contains a coded message warning of the 9/11 attacks. The gist of this theory: Twin Pines mall, where one of the movie's main characters is attacked by terrorists, is meant to represent the Twin Towers. (There's also something about how film is a portal to transcendence.) The name of the group that made the video, Apophenia Productions, seems appropriate. Apophenia refers to the tendency to perceive a pattern among unrelated or random ideas or objects.It is all about time, symbols, and foreshadowing.
Back to the Future Predicts 9/11 is a dizzying watch, full of big breath statements like, "Zemeckis, a pre-cogging conduit, channels the 9/11 archetype with his tower strike Twin Pines terror attack cinematic superimposition, both scenes featuring the transdimensional portal, pointing to 9/11 as the archetype of transcendence."
...Short films like Back to the Future Predicts 9/11 are playful exercises in pattern recognition, searching out meaningful coincidences that they believe may emerge from a mystical, universal holism, ” writes Andrew Whalen in iDigital Times.
Whalen asked Alexander why he picked Back to the Future? The filmmaker answered:
I think it chose me to be honest. I think that these sub-plots, they wanted to be expressed on some level. We come back to intention, like in the way a human being has intention. Can a movie have intention? Can something that doesn't seem to be conscious have intention? I think it can because it's ultimately tied to the infinite consciousness of the universe.
Joe Alexander has something to tell the sync community about the future, and does it through his examination of the continuum in Back to the Future and events that occurred after the movies of the trilogy appeared. As far as documentary movie-making goes, Back to the Future Predicts 9/11 joins treatments like Rodney Ascher's Room 237 (2013) and Jake Kotze's videos to form a growing body of sync-comparative works.
Alexander's 2015 film talks of 2001's 9/11, as well as about events that were predicted in Back to the Future's films for 2015. But when some of the "predictions" appeared to be potential failures for 2015 - like the Cubs winning or Trump's president run - they turned into successes in 2016.
That is why Alexander gets the award for 2016.
The notion that Donald Trump's presidential run and election were foretold in the Back to the Future films has a solid foundation.

Andrea Mandell 's USA Today article of October 21, 2015, "Believe it: 'Back to the Future' predicted Trump's run," relates the facts. Mandell reports, "Back to the Future II screenwriter Bob Gale told the Daily Beast that Marty McFly's arch nemesis, the wealthy villain Biff Tannen, who turns his fortunes (among them, casino) into a quest for political power was...based on The Donald."
In the 1989 sequel, Biff uses the profits from his towering casino to help shake up the Republican Party, before eventually assuming political power himself. In what becomes a lawless, dystopian wasteland, Biff encourages every citizen to call him “America’s greatest living folk hero.” Source.
As seen below, the Comedy Central's At Midnight dealt with the thin line between humor and the unknown unknown shown in Back to the Future Predicts 9/11. The host's podium mirroring the Twin Towers was hardly subtle.
Therefore, Joe Alexander, besides creating a thoughtful, enjoyable film and other videos about the synchromystic side of Back to the Future's "predictions," has had an impact, in 2016, beyond his one contribution. He caused ripples through the sync world every time anyone watched Back to the Future and other films. Thanks to him for showing us what he sees.
Congratulations to Joe Alexander, the Synchromystic Of The Year 2016!
Honorees and their award mugs:
For 2014 ~ Alan Abbadessa-Green
1 comment:
Excellent. Congrats, Joe, and thanks Loren for all you do
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