Monday, January 27, 2020

Where The Pumpkins Fell ~ Kobe Bryant 8/24's Copter Down

By the numbers...on Twitter...

Late on January 25, 2020, John E. L. Tenney (@JohnELTenney) read this Josh Lederman (@JoshNBCNews) tweet:

"NEW from Parnas tape obtained by @NBCNews: Parnas and Fruman appear to compare Trump to the messiah, using a Jewish mystical practice known as Gematria to show the numerical value of Trump's name and the messiah are the same: 424"

To which Tenney responded at 8:48 p.m. Eastern, same evening: "Here come the numbers."

Then Adam Gorightly (@AdamGorightly), at 8:50 p.m., same night, wrote: "Oh Christ, don't let Loren see this!"

John wrote back, jokingly, at 8:51 p.m.: "I'll do everything I can to make sure @CryptoLoren doesn't see this...oops."

I didn't see this until much later overnight, and wrote back to Adam and John, at 1:30 a.m., first quoting a phrase from Adam:

"'Oh Christ." How appropriate for this discussion! ~"

And I posted this graphic from a previous tweet from Alex Fulton (@Crypto-Kubrology):

Then the discussion de-evolved because, as Adam noted, a newbie who said he had "discovered" the "33rd anomaly" joined the exchange.

Adam made some points about James Shelby Downard. At 1:51 a.m., Adam wrote: "I am currently in the process of publishing Downard's last writing effort, provided to me by Bill Grimstad. Downard is the author of the King Kill 33 theory and championed the theory...cited re: Jornada del Muerto. I authored a biography of Downard."

I pointed out my 2008 critique of Gorightly's biography, for reference.

Tim Binnall (@binnall) joked, saying, at 1:55 a.m., "you mean there is some kind of numerological significance to the number 33?!"

Tim also posted a challenge to Alex Fulton and Loren Coleman (me) at 2:23 a.m., January 26, 2020: "Today (1/26) is my birthday, so I expect a full Cryptokubrological reading from you fine gentlemen at some point in the next 24 hours. Thank you and happy birthday to me."

Finally, it was getting too late for me. So at 2:17 a.m., I tweeted: "This has been fun, but it is almost 2:37 am on the East Coast, and all Forteans turn into pumpkins."

On Tim's Facebook site, early in the day, I shared: "On Tim's exact birthday, January 26, 1979, Nelson Rockefeller died. If you don't know how and why that happened, look it up."

Then at 3:08 p.m., January 26, 2020, Alex Fulton tweeted: "Rockefeller 41st VP died on Tim's day of birth, and on Tim's 41st birthday, Kobe Bryant has died."

To which at 3:16 pm, I tweeted: "And Bryant was 41. His number 24 (42 reversed)."

Later in the day. I tweeted to Tim and Alex: 
"Tim ~ It has turned into a major day. Cryptokubrologically. And we were geared up for analysis due to your heads up. 41st birthday for you. Death date for Rockefeller the 41st VP. Death of Kobe Bryant at 41. 8. 24. "

The news was all over the news channels and online sites. Kobe Bryant had died in a helicopter crash, along with, as first reported, five. That number was updated later.

Kobe Bryant’s large, powerful, personal (N72EX) Sikorsky S-76 is the same kind of helicopter, slightly modified, which the U.S. Army employs as the UH-60 Black Hawk.

Calabasas, California news conference on NINE deceased victims in Kobe Bryant helicopter crash being held at exactly 2:37 pm Pacific time.

Kobe Bryant's earliest NBA jersey number was 8. 2x4 = 8.

Kobe Bryant’s Sikorsky S-76B, built in 1991, left John Wayne Airport 9:06 am, 1.26.2020. It then passed over Boyle Heights, near Dodger Stadium. It crashed before 10 am, near Las Virgenes Rd and Willow Glen St in Calabasas, California. The first 911 call was recorded at 9:47 a.m., Pacific Time.

Calabasas =
It is generally accepted that the name of Calabasas is derived from the Spanish calabaza meaning "pumpkin," "squash," or "gourd." Some historians hold the theory that Calabasas is derived from the Chumash word calahoosa, which is said to mean "where the wild geese fly." Owing to vast presence of wild squash plants in the area, the squash theory is more prevalent among local residents. At the top of the Calabasas grade, which is east of Las Virgenes Road, legend has it that in 1824, a Basque rancher from Oxnard spilled a wagonload of pumpkins on the road en route to Los Angeles. The following spring, hundreds of pumpkin seeds sprouted alongside the road. The area was named Las Calabasas—the place where the pumpkins fell.
In honor of its namesake, the City of Calabasas and the Calabasas Chamber of Commerce hold an annual Pumpkin Festival in October, including carnival games, exhibits, demonstrations, and live entertainment. The festival has evolved from a small-town fair to a significant annual event. Though the current Pumpkin Festival is held at Juan Bautista de Anza Park in Calabasas, the original festival was believed to have taken place where the traveling wagon carrying pumpkins overturned and started the area's first pumpkin patch.
The city's official logo, depicting a red-tailed hawk flying over the Santa Monica Mountains. Source.

Where the pumpkins fell. Calabasas, Cucurbita pepo.

Kobe Bean Bryant (August 23, 1978 – January 26, 2020)

His parents named him after the famous beef of Kobe, Japan, which they saw on a restaurant menu. His middle name, Bean, was derived from his father's nickname "Jellybean." Bryant was raised Catholic.

By his name we shall know him...The Japanese name Kobe comes from a city in Japan notable for the origin of Kobe beef. Kobe is also said to consist of two kanji Ko (meaning "god") and Be (meaning "door"), which may also fit since the city of Kobe was built around a shrine, which opened the doors to Japanese gods. 

Bryant is the transferred use of an Old Breton-Irish surname derived from the ancient Celtic male name Brian. The name Brian comes from the Old Celtic word “brígh” which means 'noble, strong, virtuous. The surname Bryant has been around since the 12th century.


Lakers promotional helicopter,

Kobe Bryant’s death simulated on cartoon Legends of Chamberlain Heights. (11-16-16)

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Cryptokubrology: Oh! Octopus

In "Cryptokubrology: 237 in Films of 1980 and Before," I asked for suggestions of other movies in which people noticed mention of "237s," before The Shining (1980) was released.

One such "237" was spied in the 1937 monster comedy Sh! The Octopus. It shows up as a room number, specifically here, with Marcia Ralston.

Sh! The Octopus is a 1937 comedy-mystery film produced by Warner Bros., directed by William McGann and starring Hugh Herbert, Allen Jenkins and Marcia Ralston. While contract players Herbert and Jenkins frequently appeared in the same picture, this is the only movie to present them as an actual team. The film's oddball qualities have made it something of a cult favorite.

Herbert and Jenkins play two bumbling detectives, who, in pursuit of a master criminal, The Octopus, find themselves inside a haunted lighthouse full of suspicious characters, including the titular character, who appears to be an actual octopus.

Reviews of this film rank talk of it as "dreadful" and truly difficult to watch. However, at "Trailers from Hell," Michael Schlesinger speaks of Sh! The Octopus as achieving near perfection in its genre. (See the original trailer here.) He also says there was a rock group that named themselves after the film

In the long discussion at "1000 Misspent Hours," Sh! The Octopus is viewed as "one of the few known specimens of a seemingly impossible genre, a parody of a parody. By all accounts, this movie was intended as a spoof of The Gorilla, which had itself been a spoof of contemporary spooky house mysteries like The Bat and The Cat and the Canary. Finally, and most importantly, Sh! The Octopus is quite simply one of the strangest and most utterly illogical mainstream movies of its— or any other— era."

That site notes that "Captain Hook (George Rosener, from Doctor X and House of Secrets), the one-handed caretaker, is a dangerously unbalanced man, and has a habit of flying into a homicidal rage whenever he hears the ticking of a clock."

Scott Ashlin, the site's reviewer, says, "The one thing stopping me from nominating Sh! The Octopus as the single stupidest horror or mystery film of the 1930’s is the disconcerting possibility that its creators understood exactly what they were doing."

As to Room 237, it may serve a special function in this film. After the lighthouse explodes, and the viewer assumes the movie is over, it is not.

There is a fade to a scene in a hospital where a major character "is on a bed, flailing about and being attended to. Turns out he fainted because of all those pills he was taking in the car at the beginning of the movie." Marcia Ralston and another actress "are nurses at the hospital, and [one] points this out in a manner that’s extremely similar to the final scene in Wizard of Oz 2 years later. So all that stuff that just happened? Never happened," writes the reviewer Stacia on April 15, 2008 (here).


Marcia Ralston was married to Phil Harris, once upon a time.

Sh! The Octopus, according to some sites is written by Ralph Spence, based on The Gorilla (a 1925 play), also written by Ralph Spence. IMDb credits the writing to George Bricker (screen play), Ralph Spence (from plays by),  Ralph Murphy (from plays by), and Donald Gallaher (from plays by).

The movie was released on December 11, 1937. Schlesinger talks of it being targeted for Christmas of 1937.

The "Octopus" has taken on a sinister cryptopolitical meaning in recent years, with the book, The Octopus: Secret Government and the Death of Danny Casolaro by Kenn Thomas and Jim Keith. As Google notes, "Originally released [in 1996] to critical praise, this book became a much sought-after classic in the underground of conspiracy literature - today commanding high prices on the book collector's market. The new paperback edition [from Feral House in 2004] carries Casolaro's conspiratorial insights and research into the post-911 world, for which it was a harbinger."

Also, the deeper twilight language of having the character "Captain Hook" in Sh! The Octopus is an enigma.  In 2010, I wrote of the mysterious series of deaths of young children, all killed in similar ways via hangings from hooks. The deaths often occurred due to coat hooks, sometimes in closets, sometimes in bathrooms. That essay appeared on January 24, 2010, under "The Peter Pan/Hook Deaths." I followed this on February 27, 2014, with "New Hook Death." In 2017, I updated this phenomena with a new posting.

BTW, Sh! The Octopus has a scene with a hanged man dripping blood, and lends itself to various twilight language interpretations.

Credit for this 237 discovery: Matt Hopewell.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Cryptokubrology: 237 in Films After The Shining

As I earlier detailed, the film The Shining was released on May 23, 1980. The importance of finding the number 237 in movies that have appeared before and since The Shining has become a mainstay of #Cryptokubrology.

In examining the work of Alex Fulton and Robert Shawn Montgomery, the co-creators of the ideas behind @Cryptokubrology on Twitter and of cryptokubrology contributions on YouTube and Facebook, I previously noted their pre-1980 examples in cinema. See "Cryptokubrology: 237 in Films of 1980 and Before."

I looked into Fulton's and Montgomery's series of YouTube videos, which consist of

and the ten films they mention from 1980 and before. As I said, the best evidence for finding true cryptokubrological insights may come from concentrating on the pre-The Shining examples only.

I remain firm in my opinion that the appearance of "237" in films is because directors - after The Shining (1980) - are placing the number in their films as homage to Kubrick.

Nevertheless, for completeness, I wanted to list the other 21 post-1980 films or television episodes mentioned by Fulton-Montgomery, where the number 237 is in the dialogue or shown (for example as an address or room number) in their video series. I've added a few others they and others have noted along the way.


Scanners (1981)

"There are 4 billion people on earth. 237 are Scanners"

Poltergeist (1982)

(CK-add via Twitter)

Starman (1984)

Directed by John Carpenter, he inserted the license plate "PXV 237" in the script for the vehicle (a red Mustang) used by the alien and his companion.

Revenge of the Nerds (1984)

Stand By Me (1986)

The amount of change the boys gather together is $2.37.

Married With Children: Eatin' Out (1989)

The Favor (1994)

(my add)

The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

Red's cell number is #237.

Sharpe's Gold (1995)

Twister (1996)

(otherwise & tweet adds)

Jackie Brown (1997)

Go (1999)

The King of Queens: Affidavit Justice (2003)

Saw II (2005)

Battlestar Glactica: 33 (2005)

Capote (2005)
(tweet and web adds)

This film is not mentioned in the Crypto-K video series but has been noted in @Cryptokubrology tweets. Capote is a 2005 biographical film about Truman Capote directed by Bennett Miller. Capote was played by Philip Seymour Hoffman (born July 23, 1967 – died February 2, 2014). In Capote, Truman (in the phonebooth and talking to his lover Jack) visually flirts with a man for an implied sexual interlude as he is waiting outside the bar under the numbers 237.

Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium (2007)

Meet Mr. Magorium (Dustin Hoffman), the eccentric owner of a mystical, magical toy store, one he's run for years and years (237 of them, to be exact). Given his long tenure of duty, Magorium feels it's time to step down.

Toy Story 3 (2010)

Woody: "Who's Velocistar237?"
Trixie: "Oh! That's just a dinosaur toy down the street, that's nothing, let me just take care of that. It's just a dinosaur!"
Woody: "All right..."—Woody and Trixie, after an IM pops up on the computer

The 237 number in the screen name is a reference to director Lee Unkrich’s favorite movie The Shining.

Megamind (2010)

Paranormal Incident (2011)

Captain Phillips (2013)

"Coailtion Warship 237, this is Maersk Alabama."

Star Trek: Into Darkness (2013)

The USS Enterprise gets pushed-out of warp speed by the USS Vengeance 237,000 km away from Earth.

House of Cards (2016)

Supergirl (2015)

Get Out (2017)

Send along your suggestions.

"We're all children of Stanley Kubrick, aren't we? Is there anything you can do that he hasn't done?" ~ Paul Thomas Anderson